Tuesday, January 29, 2008

From Dani in Brooklyn about Caroline Kennedy Endorsement:

This election is getting more and more interesting - people are engaging at unpredicted levels, especially young people. However you feel about Clinton, Obama, how to end the war in Iraq, the precarious state of our environment, the collapse of our prestige (and the almighty dollar) overseas, ecomonic crisis at home, the fact that two of the candidates could be the first woman or first person of color in the Oval Office, civil rights for all Americans including immigrants and LGBT individuals, there is no ignoring what's at stake - our survival as a species, our future as a nation.

This could be the defining election of our generation. Kennedy and 1960 do come to mind. This op-ed piece reflects this. Senator Edward Kennedy also broke ranks and is endorsing Obama.

Read and get active!

Love and peace,

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