Thursday, December 23, 2010

Yes We Can & Did! Happy Holidays, hooray for the Dems who never gave up!

Dear Obama/Biden Supporters:

I have a confession to make-I have had this blog on my desktop for weeks to send out. I have been communicating with many of you individually but couldn't' bear to send out such a negative message. If you don't know it by now, I am an optimist by nature,just like my father used to be. I told sister Suzi last night that I had to send this out before I left and she said,forget it. However, I couldn't do that and all that has gone on since the lunar eclipse has given me strength and renewal of spirit! You may think I am nuts but the passage of Don't Ask Don't Tell started things off and we haven't looked backward in the last 48 hours. You can see from Hank's latest editorial(***see it below) that even he has turned around and found the "President we all voted for". So, I want to end by wishing you all a happy and healthy New Year and saying I can breathe again. We are so lucky to have overcome the hyper-partisanship of the just say no Congress (with major help from the brilliant and beautiful Kirsten Gillibrand-Senator from NY) and to end this year with a bang not a wimper!!! I will end with something Susan from Rye sent me that really struck home,a quote from MLK (that magnificent man who would be so proud of BHO today) . From Susan: Someone brought this quote and read it at the meeting the other night and it really struck me. It is hard to do what is right when one has so many responsibilities! (Obama). Our role as grassroots organizers is to be the ones that keep reminding him of what is right. We can't be unbending and we have to be willing to compromise, but the dialogue must be always framed with the correct message, don't you think? "On some positions, Cowardice asks the question, "Is it safe?" Expediency asks the question, "Is it politic?" And Vanity comes along and asks the question, "Is it popular?" But Conscience asks the question "Is it right?" And there comes a time when one must take a position that is neither safe, nor politic, nor popular, but he must do it because Conscience tells him it is right." — Martin Luther King Jr.

With love and best wishes for a wonderful New Year!

A renewed Mama 4 Obama

(Now below is what I wrote before the wonderful passage of DADT, health insurance for 9/11 First Responders,and the amazing New Start Treaty:)

I was watching Bob Dylan's story last night on American Masters and heard a quote from him,"we really believed as song writers we would change the world. We thought from our words and our songs we could help end segregation". I had an ah ha moment of why I have been so tormented the last few days over Obama's "compromise". I think we people who worked for him and gave up our lives to get him elected thought we could change the world and the country. How uniformed we were about the workings of government. We thought we were part of a movement and that good would triumph over bad. Eight years of W with constant disagreement over a war of choice, greed and power running the government and then along came our "savior". What we didn't realize is that most of Congress put the next campaign over people and the country. However,our President is working for the next generation not the next election. I know people are angry and hurt like Kathy in MO who said: "Those assy rethugs are emboldened by the idiots putting them back in power in the last election. I don't think there is any dealing with them. They are going to get their way or nothing at all gets done no matter how important it is or how much it hurts the country. I am disappointed in Obama for cutting a deal with them and leaving the Dems out of the negotiations. Being bipartisan and compromising never used to mean giving in and giving them everything they want!" However, we have to remember those who will benefit from the President's compromise with the GOP. Jenny from the white House committee on women and girl's sent a complete list of those who will benefit from the bill(*****see e-mail from Lee and Jenny). She stated," it is a tough time, but we are moving in the right direction. This will really be good for women and families, so it’s an even more important message for us to get. Thank you for sharing information with others." Sue Hornik from OFA Most of us were pretty peeved that tax cuts for the rich were included, and the night of the announcement when I mentioned our unhappiness to my husband, who formerly reported on economics, he looked at me and said: “Are you nuts? We’re on the verge of a double-dip recession and he just got a second stimulus package.”

So I figured I better do a little more homework. For those of us who aren’t economic experts, the most understandable analysis is Austan Goolsbee’s White Board (he’s the new chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers and was the President’s key econ man during the campaign). You can catch it in two places: and ...

Well, now you can see why I was stuck and unable to send this out. All I can say is this is a very special day for me,and I wish our beloved President a good rest in Hawaii. He is going to need all his strength to face the 2011 Congress. We got a "shellacking" and the American people rewarded the party that not only opposed the stimulus but tried to block the extension of unemployment benefits. They also rewarded the party that proposed to inflate the debt by hundreds of billions of dollars with tax cuts for the least needy two per cent. They rewarded the GOP because they were frustrated with inaction and blocked or watered down whatever it couldn't block, but we ended up the winners and don't you forget it. Grassroots and perseverance will not be overcome!!! I will be gone for a week and back after the New Year,lets all take a rest-we deserve it!!!!!!!!!!!!

With love,Sunny
A proud Mama 4 Obama

Please join me at both of these sites where you can make statements and they will reach many more people than in the past. In order to get to the blog please go to and read my updates and make comments

You can also find me on Facebook at "The Sunny Side - Political news for the Friends of Progressive Government" at!/pages/The-Sunny-Side-Political-news-for-the-Friends-of-Progressive-Government/141511589209655

****From Hank in NYC(out of order but right for the day,time,and end of the year!):

This will be my last Op/Ed piece of 2010. I wish you the happiest and healthiest of holidays, and a wonderful 2011!

Subject: To The Editor

“Obama, The Man We Voted For!”

Watching the President smack his hand on his desk and say, “this is done”, referring to his signing of the Bill that repealed “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell”, we saw the Barack Obama that filled us all with so much hope and promise of what might be possible for America. Listening to the pundits saying that this was a good week for the President, one could not help but think that this was, despite all the doomsayers, a very good year for America. We have come back from the depths of the Great Recession and are poised to make major gains in job creation in 2011. All Americans now have access to quality, affordable health care, and nobody can be denied coverage due to pre-existing conditions, serious illness or because they have reached a dollar limit for their coverage. Parents can now keep their children on their health insurance plans until age twenty six, and Obama Care has removed the “doughnut hole” from senior citizens cost of drugs.

This President’s courage and determination to see that all Americans are treated fairly has led to serious financial reform, continued tax relief for the middle class and small businesses, and yes, even the super rich who we hope will use that windfall to help charitable causes and to create jobs. Now that American businesses know what their taxes and health care costs will be, they may well start to hire and expand their operations. Employees will have a one year grace period where their share of payroll taxes will be reduced by 2%. Hopefully this will give many people the impetus to spend, send their children to college, and thereby do their part to further stimulate the economy. For those suffering from not being able to find meaningful, well-paying jobs, Mr. Obama has won them an additional year of unemployment benefits.

One of the more striking accomplishments for Mr. Obama this year was the ratification of the “Start Treaty” with Russia. Despite serious and at one time seemingly improbable odds, the President mounted a strong public campaign to gain support for this treaty, including the buy-in from every living former Secretary of State, Democrat and Republican. With the 71 to 26 vote in favor of ratification, Mr. Obama silenced the likes of Mitch (the un-wise) McConnell, John Kyl and the seemingly mentally depressed and deflated John McCain, the three un-wise men who wanted to be the Grinches who stole Christmas.

Barack Obama came into the presidency arguably facing the greatest set of problems since FDR. His lack of experience, combined with the enormous economic problems he inherited during his first year, were enough to defeat all but the hardiest of men, but Mr. Obama has learned, gained strength and confidence, and faces the last two years of his first term with enthusiasm, historic accomplishments behind him, and the renewed faith in what may have been the greatest campaign slogan of all time, “Yes We Can”!

From Beth in NYC and FL:

Have a great thanksgiving!!!

From Pam in Larchmont:

And I am soo thankful to see that our Sunny is soo driven and heartfelt!!You are a special person and we all appreciate you! So, you,Sunny are one person I am thankful for knowing on this Thanksgiving!!Enjoy your family! Peace!

From Nita our wonderful Westchester congressperson:

I am thankful for you and

Brad. Have a wonderful thanksgiving.

From in Pam Aspen,CO:

Thanks for all the great blogs; you are totally right on; we need to

have a stronger Democratic unity but are lucky for the people we have

that stand united. It was a tough election but there is no way we can

go back to the Neanderthal age of W and cohorts. Would you please put

these 2 people on your ML; one is my nephew Edward G who is very

interested in politics, and another is our friend Denise O'C who

is a stalwart Obama and team supporter. I have forwarded them your

last 2 epistles.

From Sheila in Larchmont:

Good one, Sunny. Have a happy and warm holiday in Florida.

From Robin in North Salem:

I experienced Sarah Palin’s America at Stew Leonard’s this afternoon shopping for Thanksgiving – not pretty!!!

From Doni in New Jersey:

A large Israeli police force accompanied by bulldozers from the Israel Land Administration razed the Bedouin village of Al-Arakib on Monday, destroying the temporary homes constructed by the village residents since the previous demolition. With the help of volunteers, the residents have already begun the reconstruction of the village, and have vowed to keep rebuilding until the Israeli government recognizes their rights to their land.

We, a coalition of Israeli and American Jewish organizations, condemn the Israeli government's continued demolition of Bedouin villages in the Negev and the expulsion of their residents. We condemn the Jewish National Fund for its complicity in displacing Bedouin citizens of Israel from their homes and land to make way for forests and new Jewish-only communities in their place.

The Bedouin have no comparable opportunities to create new agricultural or livable communities. They are being forced to leave their homes, lands and way of life for overcrowded urban centers plagued by crime, unemployment and despair.

We call on the Israeli government, with the support of the JNF in Israel (KKL) and JNF-US, to negotiate a just and mutually agreeable solution to the plight of the 190,000 Negev Bedouin, Israel's poorest and most disadvantaged minority - half of whom live in "unrecognized villages" without electricity, running water, sewage disposal, schools or health clinics, and with the constant fear of demolition and expulsion...
Rabbis for Human rights,

From Fran in Larchmont:

In “Advancing Reproductive Justice for Latinas in the U.S.” Jessica Gonzalez-Rojas, deputy director

the National Latina Institute for Reproductive Health, offers poignant examples of the array of financial, regulatory and social barriers that stop many Latinas from accessing the birth control they seek, even when they have insurance. She displays keen disappointment that the health care reform legislation of 2010 because it does little to nothing to minimize or eliminate the these difficulties is palpable.

Especially if you missed the opportunity to ‘meet’ Jessica when she joined Future Choices in October, you will want to hear from her this month as she unrolls the Latina Institute’s strategies for ensuring the fundamental human right to reproductive health and justice for Latina neighbors, their families and their communities.

Future Choices is brought to your home either on Channel 75 (Cablevision) or Channel 36 (Verizon). The show airs Friday, Saturday and Sunday at 9 pm with repeats 3 am, 9 am, 3 pm and 9 pm the following day. See full schedule:

From Ross in Kirsten's office:

Yesterday, Kirsten was on Andrea Mitchell’s program on MSNBC talking about the next steps for unemployment benefits and repealing "Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell." It’s a great interview that highlights Kirsten’s leadership on these key issues, and I want to be sure you see it.

Click here to watch Kirsten’s interview with Andrea Mitchell.

Trust me, you don’t want to miss this one.

From Lisa in NYC:

I wanted to share this recent list with you all. The New Museum is #5!

From Betty in Scarsdale:

YouTube - 11.29.10 Mark McKinnon on Lawrence O'Donnell

From Sheila in Larchmont:

Don’t know if any of you saw the segment on Women in the GOP last night on Hardball…but at the end of the segment which portrayed a very specific type of Grizzly Mama…Chris Matthews asked who was the up-and-coming woman among Dems – Joan Walsh said Kirsten Gillibrand and went on to praise her toughness…Chris not only agreed but said she was a woman to watch!!!

From Eileen in KCMO: We have to keep a sense of humor!

A pretty little girl named Suzy was standing on the sidewalk in front of her home. Next to her was a basket containing a number of tiny creatures; in her hand was a sign announcing FREE KITTENS.

Suddenly a line of big black cars pulled up beside her. Out of the lead car stepped a grinning woman.

"Hi there little girl, I'm Sarah Palin. What do you have in the basket?" she asked.

"Kittens," little Suzy said.

"How old are they?" asked Palin.

Suzy replied, "They're so young, their eyes aren't even open yet."

"And what kind of kittens are they?"

"Tea Party," answered Suzy with a smile.

Palin was delighted. As soon as she returned to her car, she called her PR chief and told him about the little girl and the kittens.

Recognizing the perfect photo op, the two agreed that the former governor should return the next day; and in front of the assembled media, have the girl talk about her discerning kittens.

So the next day, Suzy was again standing on the sidewalk with her basket of "FREE KITTENS," when another motorcade pulled up, this time followed by vans from ABC, NBC, CBS and CNN.

Cameras and audio equipment were quickly set up, then Palin got out of her limo and walked over to little Suzy.

"Hello, again,"she said, "I'd love it if you would tell all my friends out there what kind of kittens you're giving away."

"Yes ma'am," Suzy said. "They're Democrats."

Taken by surprise, Palin stammered, "But... but... yesterday, you told me they were TEA PARTY."

Little Suzy smiled and said, "I know. But today, they have their eyes open."

From Ben in NYC: 

Just posted The King's Speech on my blog, Through Rosen-Colored Glasses.

From Betty in Scarsdale:

A No Labels solution to Washington gridlock?

By William A. Galston and David Frum

Friday, December 3, 2010

As President Obama and congressional leaders struggle to establish a working relationship, they should ponder the sentiments of the real - and very frustrated - American majority.

A Pew survey taken after the midterm election found that 55 percent of respondents wanted Republican leaders in Washington to "try as best they can to work with Barack Obama to accomplish things, even if it means disappointing some groups of Republican supporters." Sixty-two percent wanted Obama to work hard to cooperate with Republicans, even if it meant disappointing some of his supporters.

But what the people want and what they expect are very different. In Congress, the center has collapsed, and ideological overlap between the parties has vanished. Although 30 percent of grass-roots Republicans consider themselves moderate or liberal, and 60 percent of Democrats consider themselves moderate or conservative, their voices are muted in the nation's capital. As increasingly polarized media feed centrifugal forces, potential primary challengers stand ready to punish deviation from party orthodoxies. Only 22 percent of the Pew respondents thought that cooperation was likely to happen under these circumstances.

On Dec. 13, more than 1,000 citizens from the 50 states will convene in New York to change the odds. They are founding a movement - No Labels. Among them will be Democrats, Republicans and independents who are proud of their political affiliations and have no intention of abandoning them. A single concern brings them together: the hyper-polarization of our politics that thwarts an adult conversation about our common future. A single goal unites them: to expand the space within which citizens and elected officials can conduct that conversation without fear of social or political retribution...

From Elizabeth in Mamaroneck:
This really, really is worth 13 minutes of your time. Really!
I'm so frustrated with Obama's concessions now. This article below got me all riled up.

Do you know anyone close to him to tell him to show a backbone? I have been the most

rabid supporter but his taking responsibility for partisanship is too much! Thoughts please.

All the best and happy holidays.

On the Subject of Quitting

Friday 03 December 2010

by: William Rivers Pitt, t r u t h o u t
(Image: Lance Page / t r u t h o u t; Adapted: orsorama, TalkMediaNews)

My head is swimming. My hands are shaking. My teeth are grinding together so hard that my jaw muscles look like I'm storing walnuts in there for the winter.

For once, these symptoms are not being caused by politics. I have not had a cigarette in four days. I have been gobbling nicotine lozenges like M&M's, and am breathing freely for the first time in twenty years. I think I've got this thing licked.

As it turns out, I picked exactly, precisely the right week to undertake this daunting exercise. I might as well have; with everything that has been going on, the physical symptoms I have been suffering - wooziness, tremors, grinding teeth, anxiousness, sleeplessness, and the occasional bout of extreme rage - would have been present anyway. Might as well have something good come out of it...(Read rest on line)

From Judy in Mamaroneck:

This is very special.. enjoy! Chanukah 2010 in the White House

From Nancy P in NYC :after seeing the above youtube:

This man really knows how to respect each and every one of us. He is

a treasure.

From Ron R in NYC:

What say you to this…also echoed by Frank Rich in Sundays NYT Op-Ed…..Nice seeing you in Miami

Subject: Robert Kuttner: What Now for the Democrats?

A real hard shot at Obama from the left. obama's coilition is coming apart. He will be weakened by attacks from the right and left... and he did it to himself.

From Betty in Scarsdale:

YouTube - Our Moral Obligation to Pass 9/11 Health Bill

Your Senator @ work,

From Betty in Scarsdale and Sheila in Larcmont after No labels Conference in NYC:

Hi--Didn't know if you saw this--what a day! Robin--I thought the panel with Mayor Mike was really good and can't remember if you stayed for that! Ill be happy to tell u abt it--also Cory Booker woke all up and Joe Sestak truly spoke from his heart!!

Here is what I remember. Cory Booker was outstanding. I had never heard him speak before and I was blown away. Content wasn't much different from others, but delivery was inspired. I thought the Bloomberg panel was somewhat thought-provoking. It was about gerrymandering and the partisanship emanating from rigged districting. Unfortunately, it was also boring and a waste of Bloomberg and Charlie Christ, both of whom I thought had a lot more to offer. Joe Sesnak was also excellent and very poignant.

I just heard on CNN that the tax bill passed the preliminary vote in the Senate with 83 "for" votes. They said it was likely there would be modification to the estate tax provision in order to maximize the possibility of passage by the House later this week. But that's CNN--very unofficial on everything but the numbers.

Talked to some interesting people at lunch, but all-in-all, by staying as long as you did, in my opinion, you got the gist of it. Sheila

From Jenny in DC:

Thank you for keeping up the fight! It is a tough time, but we are moving in the right direction. This will really be good for women and families, so it’s an even more important message for us to get. Thank you for sharing information with others.

Hang in there. Happy Holidays!

From Susan in Rye:

This piece pretty much says it all for me:  bbb
We need to be as strong in our messaging as the other side or we're going nowhere.

From Marsha in NY:


I'm so frustrated with Obama's concessions now. This article below got me all riled up.

Do you know anyone close to him to tell him to show a backbone? I have been the most

rabid supporter but his taking responsibility for partisanship is too much! Thoughts please.

All the best and happy holidays.

On the Subject of Quitting

Friday 03 December 2010

by: William Rivers Pitt, t r u t h o u t
(Image: Lance Page / t r u t h o u t; Adapted: orsorama, TalkMediaNews)

My head is swimming. My hands are shaking. My teeth are grinding together so hard that my jaw muscles look like I'm storing walnuts in there for the winter.

For once, these symptoms are not being caused by politics. I have not had a cigarette in four days. I have been gobbling nicotine lozenges like M&M's, and am breathing freely for the first time in twenty years. I think I've got this thing licked.(Read rest on line)


Thanks so much for your thoughts and as always ... great support to all.

I am singing a concert at my church job on the 19th and of course singing

Christmas Eve. I'm also busy doing real estate although it's beginning to

slow up. Maybe they'll change it to taxing millionaires and up. That would help!

From Kathy in MO:

It was my birthday and I just couldn't turn on the news or think about what was going on in DC. It is all so frustrating and awful. Honestly, I don't know where we go from here. Those assy rethugs are emboldened by the idiots putting them back in power in the last election. I don't think there is any dealing with them. They are going to get their way or nothing at all gets done no matter how important it is or how much it hurts the country. I am disappointed in Obama for cutting a deal with him and leaving the Dems out of the negotiations. Being bipartisan and compromising never used to mean giving in and giving them everything they want! I do understand his pragmatism about wanting to get the unemployment benefits restored, but that did not protect the millions going off after the first of the year. However, he gave too much to the very, very wealthy at the expense of many important programs. I am like you feeling lost.

From Lee DNC/OFA:

Subject: The Tax Deal and Women and Families

Good morning,

Please view the attached report from the National Economic Council on how the tax deal benefits women and families. For example:

· Women represent about 60 percent of the parents benefitting from the EITC and CTC expansions in the agreement. An estimated 12 million women will benefit from the expansion in the EITC and CTC that are extended in this agreement.

· Working mother with three children making $20,000 will receive a tax cut of more than $2,100 from extending recent expansions in the EITC and Child Tax Credit as part of this agreement.

· One out of every three families gaining from the extension of these credits is headed by a single mother. Families headed by single mothers are among the most economically at risk in our fragile recovery. This extension of the EITC and CTC would direct substantial resources to these families, with an estimated 4 million of the families gaining being headed by single mothers. (Read rest on line!)

You can find all this on the site under women.

From Hank in NYC:

This is being published in tomorrow’s Boston Globe!

“Obama and GOP Make Deal on Taxes ” – Editorial – December 7, 2010

This is a full-blown disaster! The president’s continued lack of courage and leadership has now sunk to a level never imagined by this reader and great supporter of Mr. Obama since his keynote address at the 2004 Democratic convention. Not only does Obama’s decision to completely cave in to the Republicans go against one of his most ardent and passionate campaign promises, it adds almost a trillion dollars to the national debt over the next two years.

What is truly frustrating, disappointing and depressing is that we elected a president we thought had the strength of character, and the courage of his convictions that the country so desperately needed after eight awful years of George W. Bush. I never thought I would say anything like this, but if “W” were president today, and he believed extending the tax cuts for the wealth was the wrong thing to do, he would have told Congress exactly what they could do with their tax cuts for the super-rich, and it would have been something like, “stick them where the sun never shines.”

From Joe in Ohio:

Happy Hanukah, Merry Christmas, Happy Kwanzaa, Happy New Year, Happy and Healthy Winter Holidays to All………

Tis the Season to be Jolly, a season of good will, kindness, love and compassion. A time when we lay down our own needs and think of others, a season of giving, a season of peace. A season of thanksgiving and appreciation of the blessings our nation and the world have been given. We are all proud to be Americans, our land of opportunity, where all are welcomed, all are equal and all can work hard for the American dream.

Whatever holiday you celebrate, we all have a union of compassion, love and caring for all of mankind from our creator. A nation where we live and participate with the leaders of our great country.

A nation we can be PROUD of and as we show the true teachings of our religious believes, values and missions of our faith, giving and compassion………

Our nation where our leaders, both Republican and Democrat deal and gamble their VALUES which must FIRST give to the wealthy in order to give and help the POOR and those in need. We should all be so proud as we have empowered and are part of this great system !!!

Happy Holidays to All !!!

From Westchester 4 change:
We are angered by President Obama's offer to compromise on an extension of the extra tax cuts on the top earners, as well as on a return to a lower rate for estate taxes, in order to secure middle class and unemployment relief. Polls demonstrate that this is out of step with the American public and we believe that Congress should fight for a better deal.

We hope you will call your Representatives and express the need for more fair and progressive economic policies that reduce, rather than exacerbate, income and wealth inequality. Our messages are simple – 1) these levels of economic inequality are unprecedented and unsustainable for the economy; 2) They are damaging for our democracy and the product of policy choices.

Sen. Harry Reid, Majority Leader: 202-224-3542

Sen. Chuck Schumer: 202-224-6542 or 212-486-4430

Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand: 202-224-4451 or 212-688-6262

Rep. Nita Lowey: 202-225-6506 or 914-428-1707

Rep. John Hall: 202-225-5441 or 845-225-3641

Rep. Eliot Engel: 202-225-2464 or 914-699-4100

White House: 202-456-1111

Moving forward, Westchester for Change will educate ourselves and the community about the political causes of these growing income and wealth disparities and learn what progressives can do to help rebuild the middle class. We ask you to stay with us in this work. We may not succeed immediately, but our work is important and our goals are big.

New York State Budget Workshop

WHEN: Tuesday, December 14th, 7-9:30pm

WHERE: CWA, Communication Workers of America Union Hall in Port Chester 345 Westchester Ave. Port Chester, NY 10573

RSVP or QUESTIONS: Rachel Estroff 914-525-1940, or Meetup Space is limited. PLEASE LET US KNOW IF YOU PLAN TO ATTEND!

From Danielle in PA:

National Journal

House OKs Administration Earmark for Israel's 'Iron Dome'

By Sara Sorcher

Friday, December 10, 2010 5 a.m.

Tucked into a massive continuing resolution approved by the House on Wednesday is an extra $205 million for an Israeli missile defense system that the Obama administration views as essential to the security of the Jewish state.

President Obama sought the funds in May—well after his fiscal 2011 budget request was sent to Congress—to help pay for production of Israel’s Iron Dome missile shield, which is designed to stop short-range rocket attacks from the Gaza Strip and Lebanon. The money comes on top of a separate $200 million provision in the CR to support the Arrow theater missile defense program and other well-established U.S.-Israel missile defense ventures.

“This was a priority of Congress and President Obama, and it is the first funding of its kind for this important short-range rocket and artillery shell defense system,” Rep. Steve Rothman, D-N.J., a member of the House Appropriations Defense Subcommittee, said about the Iron Dome funds. “Given the scrutiny that our nation is appropriately giving to every dollar expended for all purposes—including the defense of the United States and its allies—it is a mark of the great importance of these [missile defense] projects that they were included in this funding bill.”

Although the added funds for Iron Dome have received scant attention inside the Beltway, a Democratic appropriations staffer said there was no particular controversy over adding this to a measure that traditionally provides funds to keep the federal government operating at the previous year's spending levels. “Israel does enjoy strong bipartisan support in Congress so it was more amenable to include these types of funding,” the aide said.

But the looming switch to Republican control of the House next month has clearly changed the political environment in favor of deficit reduction and greater discipline in drafting spending measures, the staffer acknowledged. “I’ve talked with very pro-Israel Republican members of Congress who obviously supported the project because they support Israel, but even they hesitated because of the costs,” he said. “They didn’t want to support any of these [appropriations in the CR] because they interpret their [overall] mandate as cutting spending.”But the ever-growing threat of a nuclear-armed Iran, and the increasing strength of its proxies in Lebanon and Gaza, made the funding for the Iron Dome essential to pass, he added.As a presidential candidate in 2008, Obama went to Sderot, Israel, to affirm Israel's right to defend its citizens against Qassam rockets fired at the town and nearby communities by Palestinians in the Gaza Strip...(Read rest on line)

From Sheila in Larchmont after the defeat of Kirsten Gillibrand's 9/11 bill to cover health care for first responders(photo of Kirsten and Chuck):

I don't know who took this shot, but I suspect KG might still have been at Davis Polk on 9/11. If she was, she would have been in harm's way, as I was, on that day. Even if she wasn't still at Davis Polk, she no doubt had many friends and clients who were directly affected. I can only imagine how she feels at the defeat of this no-brainer bill. Memories of that day never go away. Those unbelievable asses have no souls.

From Mira in NYC:

Today, December 5, 2010, would be my mother Resia Schor’s 100th birthday. This is not just a nostalgic realization looking back at a deep past, as it was for me in 2004 which was my father Ilya Schor’s centennial: he had died in 1961 so forty-three years separated his death from his centennial. My mother died only four years ago, nine days before her 96th birthday. So 100 wasn’t such a stretch. But she had no wish to make it to this landmark. “God forbid!” she said when at one point I explained to her that if she lived to but also died in 2010 I wouldn’t have to pay any estate taxes (an amusing conversation in the light of this week’s disgraceful actions in Congress!). She had retained her excellent memory, her very left politics, her judgment of people unblurred by sentiment, and her courage intact, but when the encroachments of age threatened her independence and her ability to work, she had had enough. When my friend Tom Knechtel said goodbye to her after a visit to Provincetown in the summer of 2006, he said, “I hope I see you here next summer.” “I hope not,” she answered, flashing a beautiful smile.

When I began A Year of Positive Thinking I said that it posed the challenge to myself to find contemporary art that I love but that I would also write about significant artworks, films, and political actions and speech from the near and the deep past that have given me the courage to become and continue to be an artist and an activist. No artists are as important to that personal history as my parents Ilya Schor and Resia Schor.(read rest on line

From Fran in CA and Sunny in NY:

RIP Elizabeth Edwards, you fought the good fight!!

From our Congresswoman Nita:

Promoting Economic Recovery

As you may be aware, Congress and the Administration are working to extend tax relief for middle-class families and ensure those who lost their job through no fault of their own continue to receive unemployment benefits. These priorities are critical to support our fragile economic recovery. The agreement between President Obama and Congressional Republicans is a good start, and we continue our work to support economic recovery without dangerously swelling the federal deficit.

Ensuring Safety of Our Food Supply
Outbreaks of food-borne illness from foods like spinach, tomatoes, peanut butter, and cookie dough have raised questions about the safety of food on grocery store shelves. This week the House passed – and the Senate is expected to pass – the FDA Food Safety Modernization Act to protect public health and safety by preventing food contamination and ensure a quick and effective response if an outbreak does occur.

For more information about food safety, please click here.

Health Care for 9/11 Responders

It is shameful that Senate Republicans today blocked passage of the James Zadroga 9/11 health and Compensation Act, which the House passed in September. The Senate must pass the bill by the end of the year for it to be enacted into law, fulfilling our responsibility to provide health care for those who were sickened or injured as a result of their brave and selfless actions responding to the September 11 attacks.
To watch my remarks on the James Zadroga 9/11 health and Compensation Act, please click here.

From Sheila in Larchmont:

So we keep on calling: Gillibrand, Schumer, Pelosi, Reid, Sanders, Lowey...and hope that someone can figure out what negotiation or compromise really means. Good to see someone in there fighting!

From Herb sending Senator McCaskill letter from MO:

Republicans have gone around the bend. They have now blocked Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell, military pay raises, unemployment benefits, medical care for 9/11 first responders, tax cuts for small businesses, and tax cuts for working families -- all to give extra tax benefits to folks on their second million dollars in income.
I don’t care if you’re a Democrat, a Republican, an independent, or a Tea Party member -- no American can take the Republicans’ promises about fiscal responsibility, deficit reduction, and protecting the middle class seriously anymore. Not after this week. This is insanity.

No matter what, we need to get this middle-class tax cut passed now, but that won’t be the end of this fight.

Join me now: Sign your name if you think we need to keep fighting to end the extra tax bonus to multi-millionaires, and use the money to reduce our debt.

A big part of my job is to protect the middle class and small businesses -- and continuing the middle-class tax cuts does that, while also pumping money back into the economy.

But, no matter what the Republicans say, extending tax cuts for the wealthiest 0.1% won’t help the economy. President Bush made the same promises almost a decade ago, when he told us giving a huge tax bonus to the very rich would have a big impact on our economy, and that the money would “trickle down” and create more jobs and stronger businesses.

Instead, the middle class is still struggling, the deficit has ballooned, and unemployment is at record levels.

All we’re going to get from these new tax cuts for multi-millionaires is billions of dollars added to the deficit.

The reality is that the Republicans are holding middle-class tax cuts, and help for the unemployed, hostage to give a tax bonus to the wealthiest Americans, while sticking us with the multi-billion dollar bill. I just don’t see how they can call themselves “fiscal conservatives” with a straight face any longer. But, if we want to save the hostages -- if we want the middle-class tax cuts the economy needs now -- we may have no more options at this point.

However, win or lose this week, I promise to you that this fight is not over.

Thank you for standing with me -- as many times as it takes -- to win this fight.

From Judy in Mamaroneck:



By Helen L. Burleson, Doctor of Public Administration

Statistically, America is now number 23 in the world in educational achievement.

Look to America’s fascination with Sarah Palin and how she has catapulted ignorance into a multi-million dollar enterprise. Americans on her level can’t get enough of her. The more she mocks intelligence and intellectualism, the more she increases her financial value. Not able to articulate a complete sentence, among her followers this is the new norm. As she sputters, sparks incoherent phrases of derision and mockery, the more they love her. She has become a household name, and has risen to the level of the people who are well known by just one name, like Cher, Oprah, Aretha, Bono, Heidi, Marilyn, Einstein, Ike, Mike, Teddy (both the first and the second – Theodore Roosevelt (also known as the rough rider) and Edward Moore Kennedy.

Palin has produced two books written by others and she has traveled the country greeted with admiration as she grows richer and richer. They call it folksy. They call it relating to her base. The more inarticulate she is, the more they love her.

Though she preaches abstinence, she is now the grandmother of a grandchild born out of wedlock, whose teen-aged mother is now capitalizing on promiscuity. On the speakers circuit, Bristol Palin can command in excess of ten thousand dollars telling teens that she made a mistake, and abstinence is the best policy. In other words, the old fashioned, don’t do as I do, do as I say you should do.

This mother and daughter duo are charming the dollars out of the pockets of the lesser educated people who identify with their common touch. Together as a package or solo, they are gold, pure and simple.

At a time when America is far behind much of the industrialized world, and learning and knowledge are the keys to responding to the technology era, the Palins are taking America back to the Stone Age. Remember the Stone Age when cave men were first learning how to use language, they spoke in sputters and single words and used body language to communicate.

We are in a knowledge-based race to develop and train a generation to get ahead in the age of technology and innovation. Perhaps we are on the wrong path. The Palins seem to have found the keys to the kingdom – ignorance and promiscuity. America seems to have an insatiable appetite for both.

Today, the quitter governor of Alaska, whose only aim seems to be to spread ignorance and hatred for the Obamas, took a swipe at Our First Lady, Michelle Obama. Adjudged the most powerful woman in the world, Michelle Obama, a Princeton University graduate, an attorney and a Harvard law school graduate is a beautiful, well poised, articulate and gracious lady. Palin, by contrast took 6 years and 5 colleges before she could earn a Bachelor’s degree in communications, is now the reigning queen of the trailer park crowd. Palin, also by contrast could easily qualify as the most ignorant woman in the world, yet she lashed out jealously at First Lady Michelle Obama.

Palin’s status in life is solidified and personified as the new low in the dumbing down of America. Bristol Palin, a chip off the old block is doing what her mother should be doing. Sarah should be on the speaker’s circuit saying that American women should not do as she did, but should stay in school, get a good education and add to the body of knowledge as the scholarly First Lady Michelle Obama does. Bristol’s message of don’t do what I did is hollow. Her practice abstinence message would be more effective if she had practiced what she now preaches.

The new cottage industry should not be ignorance and promiscuity because that only causes us to fall further behind in the race to the top for America to regain her position as the most admired and most imitated country in the industrialized world. The new cottage industry should be what President Obama proposes in his initiative to elevate the American standard of excellence with his “Race to the Top.”

From Peggy in LA:

great summary of the year! 

From Susan in Rye and Robin in North Salem:

There is no reason to think they care about people's welfare (oh, unless they can make big contributions). They should be ashamed.

DADT just defeated…we are going down in flames – this is so painful….why the F do we bother to compromise – these people are inhumane.
Senate Fails to Force Action on ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’

3:59 p.m.
Updated The Senate has turned down the attempt to move ahead with a defense bill that would repeal the ban on gay troops serving openly in the military. The vote was 57-40, three short of the 60 needed.

Republicans defeated a motion that would have cut off debate on an overall defense authorization bill, including repeal.

The move is a setback to President Obama and the Democratic leadership, who have made repealing the policy a key priority. And it short-circuited the efforts of a handful of Republicans who said they supported a repeal but wanted more time to negotiate the process of the voting.

Their leader, Republican Senator Susan Collins of Maine, voted in favor of the motion but was not joined by any of her colleagues.

Senator Harry Reid, the majority leader, called for the key procedural vote on repeal of the military’s “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy despite having failed to reach agreement with Republicans to proceed.

Republicans had indicated that without an agreement about the number of amendments and the timing of the debate, they would vote against moving forward to vote on the legislation...

From Susan in NYC:

We have weak leadership in power and obstructionists in opposition. It’s the usual ugly scene in Washington. I also don't think we have activists like in the 1960’s.

From Judy in Mamaroneck:

I received this writing before I saw the caribou clip this morning! I can't help but feel that this country has become Kafkaesque and little makes much sense any more! The Republicans are blatant with their demands, lies, distortions and lack of morality and yet, so many in this country are willing to believe what is being said and vote them into office, no matter how absurd!

As for Sarah Palin... she is 100% ego and in it for as much money as she can amass! The fact that there are people who would vote for her for President because of her "folksines"s is frightening! I still wonder who is caring for her toddler with Down Syndrome, who clearly needs intensive early intervention and daughter Bristol's baby whose mother is busy on Dancing with the Stars and running around the country on the Speaking Circuit! It is all $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$!

As for the caribou shooting, it looked like people with her had to show her how to use the rifle!

She is laughing all the way to the bank!

Here's the clip!

Click here: YouTube - Sarah Palin shoots a Caribou - Scene from "Sarah Palin's Alaska", episode 4

From Val in New rochelle:

I'm Judy's friend Val - she mentioned she was looking for

a video clip to send you of Palin hunting, made for her TV show. I

saw it on the news the other night and was disgusted by it. I'm not

sure, but I believe the link below is the same video.
I thought I'd save Judy the trouble, but she said she'd sent it too. Absolutely nothing dissuades people who love her - they turn a blind eye - total dumbing down of America. Please let me know if I can be of any help in the next campaign.

From Jane in Larchmont:

The Tax Bill

On the elimination of the payroll tax this year, the social security 'trust fund.' AARP supports it, believing on faith it will be reinstated. Others are not so sure.

"In the future, proposals to further cut Social Security taxes -- including to do so on a permanent basis -- will certainly be on the table. Once politicians have tasted the political sweetness of tax cuts, they always come back for more. If they succeed, it will worsen the long-term budgetary challenges facing Social Security and create more room for opponents to attack. Indeed, simply by entering into a bipartisan agreement to change the way that Social Security taxes are discussed, the odds improve that one day, some politician might very well be able to scrap FDR's program."

Other news about the bill.

"Senate leaders pack tax bill with narrow credits and perks"

Informative--breaking down the tax proposal--bar chart

From Sharon in Scarsdale:

This is unbelievable!!! Also sickening.


From Jane in Larchmont:

Yes, and I was so disappointed that the press either didn't mention S and G's millionaire tax proposal (you had mentioned that a while ago), or if they did, they gave it short shrift. I really think that if the cutoff was at that point from the get-go, it would have to fly, but that's over.

The part of the bill that worries me, as you could see, is the looming ax on Social Security. The debt commission leveled its aim at SS as well--an old Republican target--and an old Democratic pillar. BTW, someone who emerged from that commission looking really good to me was a person I hadn't known before--the congresswoman from Chicago--Jan Schakowsky--

bright, articulate, strong.


Last night, as I was unlocking my bike on a windswept Greenwich Village sidewalk after leaving a holiday party, a friend approached, cell phone in hand. A few minutes earlier, she and I had been inside, chatting happily amid the buzz and warmth of a holiday party. Now she had tears in her eyes. “Richard Holbrooke died,” she said.

Notwithstanding the hospital bulletins since he fell ill on Saturday—critical condition, damaged aorta, emergency surgery—this sudden, awful ending was a shock, because Richard Holbrooke was such an astounding volcano of vitality. Everything about him was large: his physical size, including the ultimate “in your face” face, a face like a Times Square billboard; his buzz-saw voice, a highly expressive instrument, equally adept at piano (a side-of-the-mouth, gossipy wisecrack, often pleasingly nasty) and forte (a high-decibel outburst of anger or indignation, almost always calculated for effect); his appetites (for experience, for danger, for praise, for power, for fun); and his ambitions (for himself, for his beliefs, for the United States, for the world). He was no doe-eyed peacenik, but as a diplomat he labored long and hard to seek alternatives to war and ways to end particular wars. He was sentimental about his own unsentimentality, romantic about his own tough-guy realism.(read rest on line

From Debbie in NYC/Care:

Exciting news! After passing unanimously in the Senate, the House of Representatives will vote on the International Protecting Girls by Preventing Child Marriage Act (S.987) as early as tomorrow, December 14!

Please call and/or email your Representative as soon as possible. A phone script and sample email, along with background info, is attached – please share this with your networks!

Did you know?...

Sixty million girls around the world are forced into marriage before the age of 18.

These child brides are twice as likely to be beaten or threatened with violence by their husbands compared to girls who marry later in life.

Maternal health risks are particularly troubling as risk of death in pregnancy and delivery for girls under the age of 15 is five times higher than for women in their 20s.

Taken together, the costs of this practice are too high to be ignored. Societies cannot progress when even the common practice of marriage dooms girls and women to a life of poverty. The U.S. now has a chance to help girls around the world avoid early marriage.

Thank you for your support and patience during this process, and your action at this critical time.

From Dudley in NYC:

I rarely send links but this should be sent around the world to

From Betty in SCarsdale:

Subject: Breaking News: Post-ABC poll: public not yet sold on GOP

Breaking News Alert: Post-ABC poll: public not yet sold on GOP

December 14, 2010 5:03:15 PM-

Republicans made major gains in the November elections but they have yet to win the hearts and minds of the American people, according to a new Washington Post-ABC News poll.

The midterm elections – where Republicans gained 63 seats to take control of the House of Representatives and added six seats to their Senate minority – were widely seen as a rebuke to President Obama. Still, the public now trusts Obama marginally more than congressional Republicans to deal with the country’s main problems in the coming years, 43 to 38 percent. And when it comes to who has taken the stronger leadership role in Washington, it's an even divide: 43 percent say Obama, 42 percent the GOP.

From Susan in Rye:

I just was on the conference call with Nita and she spoke a bit about her support for the compromise bill that she feels must pass before the Republicans take control of the House in January. She also spoke about messaging for the 2012 election. I hope you will pass this piece along to Nita and let her know that athough I can understand her anxiety about what is ahead in January, I strongly disagree with her about voting for this compromise. I feel that the Democrats are relinquishing their fundamental core beliefs by acquiesing on the extra tax cuts for the top earners, particularly the estate tax ceiling at $5 million and the capital gains remaining at 15% (which Nita mentioned disagreeing with at our recent meeting). The Republicans' "win" on their core issue of retaining benefits for the top earners is not only disastrous because it exacerbates the huge inequity of income that has caused a collapse of the middle class in our country, but it also allows the Republicans to have a stronger bargaining position when they begin to cut programs due to the even larger deficit. I fear that this will come back to haunt the Democrats in 2012 and this will be a debacle. The Democrats' failure to capture the message of "no more extra tax cuts for the top earners" will be looked at as a lost opportunity.

Please pass this piece along to her and let her know that I appreciate all that she does for all of her constituents and I know she is doing what she thinks is best, but I wanted to express my thoughts and feelings on this subject to her.


I would be very pleased if you would put this in the blog along with two more links that Rachel located that really encapsulate the problems with this "deal."

From Joe in Ohio:

I am amazed and insulted at the people who feel DADT was such a “landmark” issue for our nation……..A nation where “equality, freedom, liberty and justice for all…….” A nation of “Christian” based values which are GIVE TO THE WEALTHY AND SCRAPS FOR THE POOR….. A nation where the heartless, ignorant and greedy are “elected” into office. Republican Greed and Democrat stupidity !!!

From Dani in Brooklyn:

Thought this Vanity Fair remembrance was quite evocative. May we remember her and what she taught us all.

From Patti in KCMO:

-Winning by Losing or Vice-Versa

By Don Rose

Liberals, progressives and an overwhelming number of Democratic congresspersons are mad as hell at Barack Obama over the “deal” he reached with Republicans to extend the Bush tax cuts not only for the middle class, but for the nation’s top earners—despite his rhetoric ever since the 2008 campaign where he pledged he would restore the Clinton-era taxes for those earning more than a quarter-million bucks a year (In short, raise the top rate from 36 to 39 percent on portions of income above $250,000).

He continued the chant throughout the recent campaign season and right up to the point during the lame-duck session where he changed his mind and agreed to extend the cuts for everyone, with the top-earners’ extension for only two years (hypothetically). He signaled far too early that he would make such a deal, putting himself in a worse negotiating position, leading commentator Jacob Weisberg to opine what a lousy poker player the president is...

The public really likes the deal—Independents, Democrats and Republicans all approve by large margins. Obama’s personal and political ratings have risen and a recent poll shows him beating all his potential Republican opponents in 2012 by numbers outside the margin of error—Sarah Palin by an avalanche.

Everyone agrees that Obama will accomplish nothing major in the next congress, but his veto will prevent the Republicans from either repealing any of his laws or getting anything major of their own. Nevertheless, the economy continues to improve, at least in the short term, and we are likely to see some level of reversal in the unemployment rates because of both the new “stimulus” and increased confidence in the business world that they don’t have to worry about new taxes or “antibusiness” restraints.

On top of all this he managed to repeal “don’t ask don’t tell.” Things are pointing toward a second term for Obama—about which I was slightly dubious, a month or two ago. I don’t know how consciously he might really have tricked the Republicans and that Krauthammer is right. But consciously, accidentally, incidentally or coincidently it looks more and more like he won by losing. ...(read whole article on line

From Patty in St Louis,MO: Fab article George P. Lakoff is an American cognitive linguist......long but good


On the other hand whoever the Repubs are using to write their scripts is workin' "real good" and I am amazed that our side doesn't have an equal or better team of writers. is also difficult to rope the individualistic Dems in and they would never embarrass themselves and tow the party line. Also, having a whole network squawking 24/7 and spreading the FOX lies is a lot of crap with which to compete. I watch MSNBC but they are preaching to the choir so that does nothing.


Haven't seen news today....did they pass the Start Treaty. The Rs are pissed that he got so much through the lame duck. It will be over soon.......I keep hoping that they will cook their goose by having voted NO on everything and then when they control the house, they will not help the people anyway. Could be a lot of sorry people out there.

From Sheila in Larchmont: After reading Lakoff article!

This article goes in my "saved Mail". I'm going to memorize it. Really cogent.

From Susan in Rye: After reading Lakoff article

This is fabulous! Thank you for sending this, it is worth reading every word. It is exactly what we've been saying and why we are so frustrated by the "deal." Letting the Republicans get their way with their fundamental message just perpetuates the wrong economic policies and doesn't demonstrate why these policies haven't worked for 30 years and won't work now. Rachel, Elizabeth and I are working with Demos on a teach-in/training session for Feb. which we hope will provide history about the rise and fall of the middle class and then tools for 21st century progressive grassroots messaging.We will keep you posted about the details. Also, did you see the NY Times magazine piece As much as we all love our Obama, he can't let the Republicans define the debate any longer - it's time to take our messaging back!

From Eileen in KCMO: After reading Lakoff article

Please forward to Michelle Obama and Tim Cain The Dems should hire him to train everyone now before the next election. I am serious-they need to have him on staff

From Betty in Scarsdale:

HUGE!!! YAY!!!

Breaking News Alert: Obama signs repeal of 'don't ask, don’t tell'

December 22, 2010 9:38:44 AM
President Obama signed legislation on Wednesday that repeals the 17-year-old law preventing homosexuals from serving openly in the U.S. military.

The bill requires military officials to complete implementation plans before lifting the old policy, a process that could take months.

From Nicole in Mamaroneck:

Hey friend. The email below was sent by our dear friend Karen Cheeks Lomax (ED of My Sister's Place). Direct evidence that Senator Gillibrand is doing good things!!

Wishing you and your family happy everything!!

yes I am bragging -- but this is what American University churns out.

Check this out! Merry Christmas!!

From Mary in MO:
Thanks for the up date about health care for 9/11 First Responders. I'm just languishing in peace and silence here on the farm.

I had called Kit Bond's office a couple of hours ago and was told the "dud" was voting "nay." So, of course, I told them what I thought. Not rudely, mind you, just very very very disappointed that he would cast one of his final votes in such a negative way --- just incomprehensible, blah, blah, blah........
Take care............Mary

From Senator Kirsten Gillibrand NY:

Two weeks ago, it looked like the US Senate was going to turn its back on the thousands of first responders who risked their lives to help the victims of 9/11 and are currently sick and dying as a result of their heroism. A group of Senate Republicans organized a filibuster and refused to pass a bill that would provide these heroes with the health care they need and deserve.

But now, I’m happy to report that we've had a true Christmas miracle.

Today, the Senate passed the James Zadroga 9/11 Health & Compensation Act, which will provide health care and compensation to the first responders and community survivors who are suffering from illnesses caused by exposure to toxic debris from the fallen towers.

Many of us felt deeply that this bill was the right thing to do, but there were some who insisted on playing politics with the lives of 9/11 heroes. Thankfully, Americans from across the country made their voices heard.

This is not a partisan issue. Senators on both sides of the aisle wanted to fulfill our nation's obligation to these people and in the end, that is what we did. This is a true bipartisan success story.

How fitting that this bill - which is all about people helping others in time of need - would be passed during the week of Christmas. I’m proud to have been a part of this effort. I am so thankful to my colleagues and so many others who helped make this happen, and I am thrilled that these heroes and their families will now have the treatment and security they need during this difficult time.

From Ross in KG's office:

I want to make sure you don’t miss this morning's must-read article in The New York Times. It sums up so much of what we have known all along. Kirsten is something special...and she is just getting started!

From Renee in NYC: about KG article!

It is an unbelievably positive article giving Kirsten her due!!!!!!!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving! I am thankful for our President and all you sane people!

Dear Obama/Biden Supporters:

Just a note to say Happy Thanksgiving and wishing you all a wonderful holiday. I am off to Florida to spend the holiday with my sister-in -law Nancy. I am very thankful this Thanksgiving for my family, friends, my President, and all of you wonderful people who continue to care and work for sanity in politics. I am also thankful for all those voters who overcame the onslaught of tea party people to help Jennifer Gray win Dancing with the Stars. Somehow it turned into a contest of wills of us against them, and we won out(Ruthie you don't have to leave the country). I am also thankful for our NY state Senator Kirsten Gillibrand who continues to fight the good fight for us all. We had some good wins and some terrible defeats, but our group just keeps on going. It is abundantly clear to me that the key to political success is effective coalition-building and this group of 900 strong from 22 states and five continents is the best example I could find of that strength. We will not allow the GOP to roll back the clock to the horrible policies of W where there was ungoverned financial over sight , wars of choice were approved,and there was tax relief for the very richest of us. It is now apparent to us all that the Big Lie can only be defeated by constant proclamation of the Big Truth from journalists, to TV commentators -we have to fight back when lies are spread. We will not give any journalists a pass who don't fact check the information of guests appearing on their shows,like Anderson Cooper so appropriately did to Michelle Bachmann and her lies. Just because a person/commentator/actor/tea party leader yells loudly doesn't mean it is the truth . We can fight back armed with truth and in the American way(sounds like Superman,right?). We cannot sit back idly while Fox purports to bring the news, we have to write those letters to the editor, get our message out loud and clear. I could go on and on but you know better than me that we have to gear up big time in 2011 for 2012!!!!

I am also thankful for the efforts of David Brock and Kathleen Kennedy Townsend who are setting up what they hope will become a permanent liberal counterweight over the airwaves to the Republican -leaning outside groups that spent so heavily on this year's midterm elections. This organization will be called American Bridge which will be an independent-expenditure-only political action committee,meaning it will be able to take in contributions of unlimited size from individuals and corporations but must regularly disclose its donors. Unlike the GOP who don't disclose their donors such as the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and American Crossroads who significantly outspent Democratic -leaning outside groups. This action network, which tracks conservative politicians and advocacy organizations is organized as a 501(c) 4 nonprofit group and is set to take on an expanded role in the 2012 election . More about this later but just know that we are all getting ready to gear up for the election of a life time. We have to combat the party of NO and the tea party insanity. It won't be easy but you all give me so much hope. In the words of our beloved President, " leadership isn't just legislation but it is a matter of persuading people, setting a tone, giving them confidence and bringing them together". Lets start laying down a new foundation built on truth and justice for all. David Brooks(conservative republican with a brain) stated in his op-ed piece,"This can happen when talented people get together ,when idea systems and mentalities merge. This happens within networks." I thank you all for caring enough to writing your ideas,keeping our strong groups together, and most of all for attempting to get the message out. If we can do this we can thrive in 2012 against any opponent(especially Palin ). I am thankful for our network this Thanksgiving!!!


A Mama 4 Obama

Please join me at both of these sites where you can make statements and they will reach many more people than in the past. In order to get to the blog please go to read my updates and make comments

You can also find me on Facebook at "The Sunny Side - Political news for the Friends of Progressive Government" at!/pages/The-Sunny-Side-Political-news-for-the-Friends-of-Progressive-Government/141511589209655.

From Marceline in NYC:

Before I read your communication just in. I have been wanting for

weeks to tell you that your post-election message was wonderful and so

well written. It was heartbreaking, it was sad, it was poignant. It

was intelligent and it was emotionally intelligent, and I sent it out

far and wide.

I had thought of you in the run up to the election and all the way

through it, and I knew that as bad as I was feeling, you would only be

hurting worse. I had no words to console.

From Pat and Phil in PA:

I concur with Mary in KCMO. This says it all and inspires me, too:

"The work goes on, the cause endures, the hope still lives, and the dream shall never die."

Ted Kennedy, 1980

Here's some comic relief -- Talkin' Sandwich. It's Jimmy Fallon's answer to Sarah Palin on TV. Jake Gyllenhaal joins him.

From Ashley in Chicago:

Agreed on all fronts - we need to get mobilized now and educate folks on how the republicans have no interest in helping the masses. Just in enriching their friends.

From Letty P in NYC:

I love your enthusiasm and I'm grateful for all that you do to keep your friends motivated!

From Robin in North Salem:

I'm really so furious with the Sarah Palin book thing - that she grabs so much oxygen. She's a nasty bitch who doesn't have an iddea in her head. Sick of her negativity on everything. Why don't people see her for who she is and is not!!!! Presidential? I think not!

From Ruthie in AZ:

If Bristol Palin wins DWTS that means the country is truly lost. If you haven't seen the movies Fair Game or Inside Job - find time to see them. I don't know how W sleeps at night.

From Kevin in NYC:

Oops, I thought I sent this to you yesterday!

you've probably already seen this VERY FRIGHTENING STORY:

"Could She Reach the Top in 2012? You Betcha"

From Sheila in Larchmont:

With lots of gratitude for the good things and the will to change the not-good things, happiest of Thanksgivings to all of you.

From Val in Ohio:

Subject: News from Canada re U.S. liberals

From The Manitoba Herald

by Clive Runnels

Canadians: Build a Damn Fence!"

The flood of American liberals sneaking across the border into Canada has intensified in the past week, sparking calls for increased patrols to stop the illegal immigration.

The recent actions of the Tea Party are prompting an exodus among left-leaning citizens who fear they'll soon be required to hunt, pray, and to agree with Bill O'Reilly and Glenn Beck.

Canadian border farmers say it's not uncommon to see dozens of sociology professors, animal-rights activists and Unitarians crossing their fields at night.

"I went out to milk the cows the other day, and there was a Hollywood producer huddled in the barn,"said Manitoba farmer Red Greenfield, whose acreage borders North Dakota. The producer was cold, exhausted and hungry. He asked me if I could spare a latte and some free-range chicken. When I said I didn't have any, he left before I even got a chance to show him my screenplay, eh?

In an effort to stop the illegal aliens, Greenfield erected higher fences, but the liberals scaled them. He then installed loudspeakers that blared Rush Limbaugh across the fields. "Not real effective," he said."The liberals still got through and Rush annoyed the cows so much that they wouldn't give any milk.

Officials are particularly concerned about smugglers who meet liberals near the Canadian border, pack them into Volvo station wagons and drive them across the border where they are simply left to fend for themselves." A lot of these people are not prepared for our rugged conditions," an Ontario border patrolman said. "I found one carload without a single bottle of imported drinking water. They did have a nice little Napa Valley Cabernet, though."

When liberals are caught, they're sent back across the border, often wailing loudly that they fear retribution from conservatives. Rumors have been circulating about plans being made to build re-education camps where liberals will be forced to drink domestic beer and watch NASCAR races.

In recent days, liberals have turned to ingenious ways of crossing the border. Some have been disguised as senior citizens taking a bus trip to buy cheap Canadian prescription drugs. After catching a half-dozen young vegans in powdered wig disguises, Canadian immigration authorities began stopping buses and quizzing the supposed senior citizens about Perry Como and Rosemary Clooney to prove that they were alive in the '50s. "If they can't identify the accordion player on The Lawrence Welk Show, we become very suspicious about their age" an official said.

Canadian citizens have complained that the illegal immigrants are creating an organic-broccoli shortage and are renting all the Michael Moore movies. "I really feel sorry for American liberals, but the Canadian economy just can't support them." an Ottawa resident said. "How many art-history majors does one country need?"

From Grandma Jane in Larchmont: ****Congratulations from all of us!!!!

I have been seriously out of touch and owe you more than one message! they have been written in my head. Here is one major reason why.

Quote from Samantha:

Indira Miri born at 2:25 PM on Friday, November 19, in a house by the sea. She is so loved!!!

And love to you all,

the Grandma

From Dani in Brooklyn:

This is democracy in action. Stop the plutocrats from running elections. As Benjamin Franklin said, "do not buy something just because it is cheap. It will be dear to thee." It's hard to resist a Target bargain, but the long-term outcome will cost us all dearly.

Subject: Take the Target boycott to Congress

Can you call Sens. Gillibrand and Schumer? Tell them: "Will you ask Majority Leader Reid to bring up the DISCLOSE Act for a vote before the end of the year—and vote yes on it?"

Senator Kirsten Gillibrand

Phone: 202-224-4451

Senator Charles Schumer

Phone: 202-224-6542

Report your call

Dear MoveOn member,When Target tried to buy the Minnesota governor's race for a far-right Republican, customers everywhere—including you—responded with outrage and ultimately a nationwide boycott.

And it didn't just impact Target. According to the Wall Street Journal, the boycott kept other corporations from throwing even more money into the election and opened up a national debate.1

Today we're taking the next step.

The only reason we even knew about Target's contribution was because Minnesota has strong campaign finance laws that force front-groups to disclose the identities of their corporate backers.

But at the federal level corporations are still allowed to make unlimited donations in secret—and we have exactly 62 days to do something about it.

A bill in the Senate would force the high rollers behind the millions in attack ads to come out of the shadows. Earlier this year the bill—the DISCLOSE Act—came up one vote short. Several Republicans have said they support the principle of transparency but didn't want it to take effect until after the election.

That means right now we have an opportunity to get that final vote—but we need to convince the Democrats to bring up the bill before the end of the year and put pressure on the potential Republican supporters to stand by their claims. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid makes that decision, and since you're not a Nevada resident he may not listen to you, but he definitely picks up the phone when other Senate Democrats call him.

So can you call Senators Kirsten Gillibrand and Charles Schumer and say:

"Will you ask Majority Leader Reid to bring up the DISCLOSE Act for a vote before the end of the year—and vote yes on it?"

Ruthie in AZ:

Not to ruin your Thanksgiving. BUT Sarah Palin is in PHoenix tonight kicking off her "book tour" (that should tell you something about Phoenix and where their politics are) So, I'm watching various newscasts and all I can think is WHY THE F--K don't the democrats just stomp on her and her friggin stupidity? Is it because she's a woman? Well, Karl Rove had no problem with Valerie Pflame or Hilary. What is with us?

Maybe we're taking our "nice guy" image too far. Maybe we need to get down and dirty. Someone has to tell the world that SP is totally unacceptable - not only as a presidential nominee but really as a representative of the American people and certainly the American women. The democrats need to shed all the intellectuals that surround Obama and bring on a few people who aren't afraid to really say "mean things". It's OK to say mean things if they're true and are helpful to the people.

The only thing that will allow me to have peaceful sleep tonight is that FINALLY that PIG Bristol the Pistol lost and is not the STAR of Dancing with the stars. I understand that it's just a dancing show but I just did NOT want the tea party to win this, too.


From Robin in NOrth Salem:

Oh this from Ruthie in AZ so captures my feeling - I personally would like to go toe to toe with SP - I'd let her know a thing or two!!! Lemme at her!!! Enjoy the holiday. And say thanks for Barack!!! I know I will.

From Bev in Mamroneck:

There is so much important work to do and I, too, am torn this way and that. I, like so many, poured my heart into the Paycheck Fairness Act...and my time...and was so very disappointed by the Maine ladies and Brown in Mass. They sold out to their party. Disgusting. Reid, the Prez, and the Dems came through expect Nelson. Obama met with advocates the next day and promised to continue the fight. That makes me feel a little better. That work is part the Equal Pay Coalition NYC...and then there is NYWA which sponsors it. 2 overlapping coalitions....which I am nurturing and moving to the next level. I love it, but it's a lot plus my consulting gigs. Still, I am thankful for each day of time spent in a meaningful way. I know you and Brad feel the same. We are all lucky, privileged people. Excited about a richer future (ours with a grandchild in Dec!) That is a lot to be thankful for! Enjoy your holiday!

From Mira in NYC:

In Memoriam: Rozsika Parker, Feminist Art Historian and activist

The sad news of the death of British psychotherapist and feminist art historian Rozsika Parker provides the opportunity to bring her work to the attention of anyone interested in feminism, art, and women artists. Parker was a pioneer feminist art theorist and activist from the early 70s to the 90s, often collaborating with the art historian Griselda Pollock.

I consider Old Mistresses: Women, Art and Ideology, which Parker and Pollock co-authored, one of the most important books of feminist art theory and history that I ever read: Parker and Pollock examined how art history as a discipline had misogyny at its core, almost as one of its foundational purposes, with all its terms of value strongly gendered to condemn anything that smacked of the so-called feminine, although of course behind the naturalized frame of universalist neutrality... (Read rest on line

From Judy in Mamaroneck and Sharon in Scarsdale:

Alan Dershowitz: Ex-President for Sale

Carter is making more money selling integrity than peanuts. I have

known Jimmy Carter for more than 30 years. I first met him in the

spring of 1976 when, as a relatively unknown candidate for

president,he sent me a handwritten letter asking for my help in his

campaign on issues of crime and justice. I had just published an

article in The New York Times Magazine on sentencing reform, and he

expressed interest in my ideas and asked me to come up with additional

ones for his campaign.

Shortly thereafter, my former student Stuart Eisenstadt, brought

Carter to Harvard to meet with some faculty members, me among them. I

immediately liked Jimmy Carter and saw him as a man of integrity and

principle. I signed on to his campaign and worked very hard for his

election. When Newsweek magazine asked his campaign for the names of

people on whom Carter relied for advice, my name was among those given

out. I continued to work for Carter over the years, most recently I

met him in Jerusalem a year ago, and we briefly discussed the

Mid-East.Though I disagreed with some of his points, I continued to

believe that he was making them out of a deep commitment to principle

and to human rights.

> Recent disclosures of Carter's extensive financial connections to Arab oil

money, particularly from Saudi Arabia, had deeply shaken my belief in his

integrity. When I was first told that he received a monetary reward in the

name of Shiekh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahayan, and kept the money, even after

Harvard returned money from the same source because of its anti-Semitic

history, I simply did not believe it. How could a man of such apparent

integrity enrich himself with dirty money from so dirty a source?

And let there be no mistake about how dirty the Zayed Foundation is. I

know because I was involved, in a small way, in helping to persuade

Harvard University to return more than $2 million that the financially

strappedDivinity School received from this source. Initially I was

reluctant to put pressure on Harvard to turn back money for the

DivinitySchool, but then a student at the DivinitySchool -- Rachael

Lea Fish -- showed me the facts...(Read rest on line)

From Betty in Scarsdale:

Please find below today's Wall Street Journal piece about No Labels. Although it does not capture our message or goals accurately -- it is a start. Have a Happy Thanksgiving.

The Wall Street Journal

Aiming for the Political Middle
By Monica Langley

An alliance of centrist Republicans and Democrats is seeking to organize a grass-roots movement targeting the middle of American politics, a political sphere depopulated by the midterm elections and a vital tool for any potential third-party presidential candidate.

The group, called "No Labels," has drawn support from supporters and advisers of New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg, the country's most powerful independent politician, raising questions about his national political ambitions. Mr. Bloomberg has been invited to attend the group's Dec. 13 launch.

Political analysts see a potential Bloomberg bid if Washington's divided government turns into gridlock, if the economy doesn't improve, and if former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin and President Obama are the likely nominees. Mr. Bloomberg said he wouldn't consider running in 2012. "I have the best job in the world," he said...(

Read rest on line

From Westchester for Change:

We take this time to appreciate friends, family and feasting, as well as the benefits of living in our democracy. While we enjoy our celebrations, we also thank you for your past (and future) work to help ensure that the benefits of this country -- good food, clean water, affordable health care, decent wages, and fair taxes -- are available to everyone in our country.

As we enter the holiday season, come share a glass of wine and help plan our next steps after the mid-term elections.

WHAT: We invite everyone to gather to socialize, discuss the implications of the mid-term elections, and most importantly plan next steps. In addition to the necessary griping, we will be talking about what progressives did well, what we did not do well, and how we should proceed. At this gathering, we will be accepting small voluntary contributions to help defray our organizational expenses.

WHEN: Saturday, December 4th 2pm

WHERE: Home of Rachel Estroff, 7 Davenport St. Harrison, NY 10528

RSVP or QUESTIONS: Rachel Estroff 914-525-1940,, or Meetup

From Tommy Sowers who ran for Congress in MO,and fought the good fight I might add!!

While this journey began with me alone in a room calling and asking for your help, it grew to 20 staff and 400 volunteers. I spent the last couple of weeks winding that organization back down to one, and the final days calling and emailing thousands of you to simply say, "thank you." If we didn't connect yet, please know how deeply thankful I am for your support of me, my staff, and our campaign.

My main mission between now and the end of the year is to make sure that the incredibly hard working, bright, and motivated staff transition to a great next job. If you are in need of a hard working employee, please let me know.

As for me, after 18 months without a vacation, I'm on an extended one, practicing my Spanish and my fishing technique, reading and writing. There seems to be much interest in my next step and I'm humbled by the suggestions to run for office again in Missouri. Well, if you ever lost your first love, and felt then that you'd never love again, you know where I am with politics right now. But I also know from experience that being in love is better than not, and that with space and time, it happens again.

Your support and what we built together have afforded me a myriad of opportunities to serve yet again in a meaningful way. For that, I am truly thankful. So, stay tuned; I'll keep you all posted. The best email going forward is and I enjoy hearing from you, so please, stay in touch.

Regardless of my decision, from time to time, I'd like to introduce you to another candidate or cause that could use your help. What we built on this campaign was truly special -- a network of people around the nation who believe we need veterans and new blood from my generation in DC.

My best wishes for a Happy Thanksgiving.

Hasta luego,

Sunday, November 21, 2010

We are angry,upset, confused,worried- one thing to do FIRE UP,and sell TRUTH!

Dear Obama/Biden Supporters:

The GOP is buoyant after they retook the House and the Dems are despondent and a bit relieved the damage was not worse. We are hell bent on trying to figure out what went wrong,and how to use 2011 to prepare to win big time in 2012. However, no matter what your politics, no one is really happy since most people are still angry about unemployment,taxes,the national debt, the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan,and the continual threat of terrorism. Somehow the message is not getting out and what seems to be apparent is that virtually everyone was appalled by the negativity of the campaigns all over the country. We know that the negativity was one of the causes for not being able to get volunteers out in MO and it was a huge turn off for young people who were so hopeful after the 2008 election.

There is a fear for the economy that we may stay stuck in the new normal-where businesses learn to do more with less. There is still fear of job losses even though Obama was able to hold off the "great depression threat"(with TARP and responsible regulations on credit card lending, etc). There is even fear that Sarah Palin's crazy accusations of "Obama's enemy-centric foreign policy" and global warming Goregate stuff" are catching on( since catchy discourse is in)!! Heads up guys, we ladies aren't fooled by this pistol packing fake mama (polling five points higher among men than women) but you better be aware that 80% of Republicans love this good ole gal!! This is the person who on April 7 of this year, spoke at a campaign rally in Minneapolis for Michelle Bachmann She had a silver cross around her neck and a flag pin on her lapel, and spoke approvingly of those who are "proudly clinging to your guns and religion" She also condemned the recent health care legislation as "socialized medicine that breaks the bank and violates the US constitution". She was very proud of her party's stout opposition,declaring "What's wrong with being the party of NO?".Well, at least we know what we are up against and I have to put some blame on the progressives ,liberals ,and grassroots voters who didn't come out but sat on the sidelines in this past election. Where are those fired up voters, rappers, young people, seniors, Gen Xers, Baby Boomers and women who care about choice,and fair pay? What do we have to do to reach out and get them to care enough about their country and the their children's future to take a good hard look at those people who want to be in charge of this country. We have been engaged in non stop ways to approach people and take back the Internet,the agenda,and most of all sanity of government and truth in journalism.

We know Barack Obama has to go directly to the people and let them know what he is doing, talk about the bills passed or stalled by the GOP,and what they mean to the average American. WE also have to get the word out via e-mail, small meetings, organizations,and continued sharing of videos like _ ,where the language is clear and understandable. The majority of the country is watching Fox "news" (more like talk entertainment show) to get their information . CNN and MSNBC is actually reporting the news which should be a standard for television but it is not. An example of the outrageous non fact checked "news reporting" by Fox was described by Thomas Friedman in his op ed piece in NY Times this week. It talks about Anderson Cooper doing the country a favor this week by deconstructing on his CNN show the bogus rumor that President Obama's trip to Asia would cost $200 million a day. This was an important story that underscored just how far ahead of his time Mark Twain was when he said a century before the Internet-"A lie can travel halfway around the world while the truth is putting on its shoes". Friedman goes on to say, that there is an antidote to malicious journalism-and that's good journalism! In case you missed the story that circulated around the Web on the eve of Obama's trip it was that the whole trip would cost 2 billion dollars. Cooper felt compelled to check out the story because he had Michele Bachmann on his show the night before. Instead of answering a question about where the GOP would cut the budget, she used her airtime to inject the phony story into the mainstream. She said,"I think we know that just within a day the President will be taking a trip to India that is expected to cost the taxpayers $200 million dollars a day. He is taking 2,000 people with him and will be renting over 870 rooms in India,and at five star hotels like the Taj Mahal. this is the kind of over-the -top-spending."

So Anderson Cooper checked into the story since his show was used as the vehicle to circulate it. He found after doing a great deal of research that the story had " originated from a quote from an alleged Indian provincial official, from the Maharashtra reported by India's Press Trust ,their equivalent to our A. P. or Reuters. Cooper used
"alleged" provincial official since we have no idea who this person is ,no name was given. It was an anonymous quote, and no proof was given, and no follow up reporting done. You would think if a member of Congress was going to use this figure as a fact she would want to be sure it was accurate,right? Well you are wrong,and that is a fact! Cooper showed snippets of Rush Limbaugh talking about Obama's trip that will cost $200 million a day,and Glenn Beck chimed in saying, "have you ever seen a president go on a vacation where he needed 34 warships and would be traveling with 3,000 people? In Beck's rendition, the visit was a vacation and Obama was being accompanied by one-tenth of the US Navy. This went on and on until finally Geoff Morrell, the Pentagon press secretary, said:" I don't comment on these things but I will take the liberty this time to dismiss as absolutely absurd, this notion that somehow we are deploying 10 percent of the Navy and 34 warships and an aircraft carrier in support of the president's trip to Asia. That is just comical. Nothing close to that is being done." When public figures feel free to say anything they want without fact-checking , we have a huge problem! You and I have our work cut out for us, as does the legitimate press.

However, if the NY Jets can come back to win by moving the ball 72 yards in the last 45 seconds of the game, and the KC Chiefs can massacre Arizona, we can get the truth out. I am determined to continue this discussion and I thank you all for chiming in these last two weeks. It was not a comfortable few weeks for anyone who is intelligent enough to know that there are forces out there up to no good! It is our responsibility as caring voters to not only talk almost ourselves but get the information out, and help build up your organizations. We need to reach out to people who care enough to talk about concerns and want to learn more about government, not just from angry screaming actors on stage that can have a dangerous affect on our lives and country. So, fire up and reach out to people in your past organizations and leaders that you care about to help us make public figures aware they aren't free to just say anything without any fact-checking. We have to let them know we are out there watching, reading and making sure that "the carnival barkers that so dominate our public debate today " know they will indeed be held accountable. All we can hope as, Friedman says so beautifully, "is that more people will do what Cooper did-so when the next crazy lie races around the world, people's first instinct will be to doubt it, not repeat it. Best of all it should become common practice to fact-check all information from the Internet and absolutely the ersatz news show brought to us by FOX!!!

Love,A Mama 4 Obama

From Lisa in VT:

My heart broke with your last entry of the blog. I'm coming to NY for a Harvard dinner on Friday. Any chance you'd be in the city in the afternoon? Love your passion and activism. Its so inspiring. Looking for my own voice.

From Jane in Larchmont:

How Obama Saved Capitalism and Lost the Midterms

By TIMOTHY EGAN American politics and life, as seen from the West.

If I were one of the big corporate donors who bankrolled the Republican tide that carried into office more than 50 new Republicans in the House, I would be wary of what you just bought.

For no matter your view of President Obama, he effectively saved capitalism. And for that, he paid a terrible political price.

Suppose you had $100,000 to invest on the day Barack Obama was inaugurated. Why bet on a liberal Democrat? Here’s why: the presidency of George W. Bush produced the worst stock market decline of any president in history. The net worth of American households collapsed as Bush slipped away. And if you needed a loan to buy a house or stay in business, private sector borrowing was dead when he handed over power. ..

From Val in Ohio:

A few weeks ago, a friend returned to New York City from a visit to her family in suburban Ohio with the following query: “Why do people hate Nancy Pelosi so much?”

It’s a good question. By any measure, Pelosi has been one of the most effective House speakers in American history, especially given her relatively short tenure. At Salon, Steve Kornacki offers a helpful recollection of her many accomplishments, from health care to student loan reform to the credit card bill of rights to cap and trade. Pelosi consistently delivered legislation that became law, as well as legislation that the Senate then stalled on and failed to pass. As Kornacki writes, Pelosi is unpopular less because of what the House has done or failed to do — most Americans have little idea of those particulars — but because the economy is bad and voters wanted someone to blame.

But there’s another factor that makes Pelosi that much easier to scapegoat: She is a woman — the highest-ranked woman ever to hold elective office in the United States. In January 2007, Pelosi gaveled in her first legislative session as speaker while cradling her newborn grandson (one of seven grandchildren) and surrounded by other legislators’ offspring, whom she had invited to the dais to celebrate. She spoke about her own journey from “kitchen to Congress” and promised that the Democratic Party would govern on behalf of children, and their mothers, too — a vow she fulfilled by collecting the votes to pass the State Children’s Health Insurance Program, which insures 11 million kids, and the Lily Ledbetter Act, which made it easier for victims of gender- and race-based pay discrimination to file civil rights complaints and collect back pay...

From Eileen in KCMO:

good job-loved the John Adams quote

From Sheila in Larchmont:

I have deliberately not contacted you until now. I was not waiting for your blog to publish; I was thinking. Over the past two (or three) years I think all of us were so impassioned by finally having a candidate and then a President who embodied all the hopes and dreams we had suppressed as we suffered though years of Republican domination--domination that seem to slide on a downward vector philosophically as the years passed. We were pumped and we supported President Obama unquestioningly, though in many of our hearts we wished he would take his positions in a stronger way, be less conciliatory and more decisive, and, even to the extent of the technological communication of his team, be more connected as he had been during the campaign.

Hindsight stinks. The President is still the man with the mind, goals and heart we supported and support with the same fervent belief we have had from the beginning.

This election is anything but over. It will live for us in an even more looming way as the lame duck session unfolds and dreaded January makes it real in our lives. We now have two years to reverse the damage that is sure to be done. Really only one year before we have to mobilize against a Rubino or a Rand or whatever lunatic the "Republicans" (if that's even what we can call them at this point) nominate for 2012. So, more than ever, this is the time to look forward, to decide what the real lessons of the past two years have been, to write to our elected officials and let them know what the grass roots loyal supporters think, and to begin to mobilize in a handful of critical ways to get out the messages which the pros failed to get out. I hope we don't get distracted by what is sure to be tumult and chaos deliberately planted by the opposition in Washington, the mess that will continue to be designed to spin all the good into bad, to change by moving backwards, not ahead, and to so discourage the progressive electorate that it (like the students and African-Americans and other groups which were absent, though desperately needed by the Democratic party this year) will be discouraged from even turning out at the polls. I recently looked at Sara Silverman's 2008 You-Tube clip about "schleping" to Florida to convince Nana to vote for Obama, in the context of the reality that in 2010, 24% of the Florida electorate were senior citizens and 85% of them voted Republican because they had been told, and believed, that they were going to lose social security or medicare benefits as a result of the new health care bill? Where were we when this transformation of a Democratic stronghold was cowered by fear into sleeping with the enemy?

Next steps: how to actualize and regain momentum. We are all discouraged, but we can't let ourselves be defeated. The reality is the Republicans won the House. Let's use this as a wake-up call. Now is the time to figure out how to stem reversal of the hard-won programs and how to win in 2012. Onward.

From Ohio Joe:

We must keep to “THEIR (GOP)” RULE24…….they(GOP) have 24 months to fix the economy, unemployment, healthcare reform, immigration, etc.


I totally agree with you and all of our others……….but when we owned our events business with 4 competitors within a 1 mile area, all competing for events business(ours mainly Jewish events) with 5 Shuls in a 1.5 mile area…….

We had 5 rules of operation….

- Fair, honest, and compassionate pricing and service.

- Give the best services and creative services to the best of our abilities.
- “blinders on” – ignore what others in the industry are doing, gossip, etc…….focus on our business.
- “if you get too close to a SNAKE, you will get bit”

- “what is the prize” look at all aspects of the outcome, from all sides.

The Dems must look forward and see better days ahead, the GOP will not perform, the American public is impatient, this too will pass……..24 months…….the American public will again jump in the arms of Obama. RULE24……..we must remind America of this.


I noticed lack of concern from the public………some people didn’t even know who was Governor, I am in the inner city areas (friends there) and some of the people didn’t realize who was governor, it is not a priority, and the economy, lack of jobs, these people are too busy trying to survive AND gasoline has been 2.90 a gal. so many people are in survival mode.

AND ONCE AGAIN…….Strickland and others used young “KIDS” in management positions and from what I experienced it was like a “CLUBHOUSE” hip, groovy thing……..NOT run like a business as the GOP does and the GOP got the results.
From Christine in Switzerland:

Oh do I miss the exhilarating thrill of the elections....I still follow very closely the American politics and I am stunned, baffled, outraged and discouraged at what is happening. Rarely has a president achieved so much in so little time but it goes unnoticed.... I guess "it's the economy stupid" and people do not realize nobody could have done better given the current context. Getting down unemployment is a must for his re-election.... and this must happen, I would hate to lose him as our leader..... this being said, please keep those blogs of yours going, always a pleasure to read and an inspiration to see so many passionate people.

From Dr. Macrene in NYC:

It is a sad testimony, but we need to face reality. Politics is all about PR - Pericles led the Athenians by his gift of persuasion. It is as simple as that. What we hope is that the one who has the gift of persuasion also has a core morality that is for the good of the country rather than for his own pockets. In this battle, the Democrats do not seem to have a front person with that gift doing what it takes to be front and center in the media with the message. The President is a bit busy at the moment and so his normal persuasive oratory was absent. I wish I were not taken up with my various endeavors so that I could get out there because the lack of rational explanation of what got us into this mess was the downfall of this election.

We must hang in there.

From DC In Santa Barbara,CA:

Dear, dear Sunny,Thank you so much for your wise and loving insight. Your heart and mind are inspirations to all caring progressives. How do we get you on MSNBC? It could be a movement. You know you have a very large contingent of groupies!

From Judy A in Westchester,NY:

I share your frustration. And John Adams certainly got it right! Our trouble started in summer '09 when the Republicans branded the health care legislation socialized medicine and scared the seniors about death panels. Our message was co-opted because people just stopped listening to reason. They became crazed! But I have faith in Obama and his team. Obama isn't going to throw up his hands and quit trying. Be positive!! And be who you are - Sunny!!!

From Lilli in NYC:

From Carolyn in Mamaroneck:

'I haven't left my house in days. I watch the news channels incessantly. All the news stories are about the election; all the commercials are for Viagra and Cialis.

Election, erection, election, erection –

Either way we're getting screwed!'

-- Bette Midler

From Linda in Ohio:

sunny, the original tea party recognized the importance of the separation of church and state --- something the fake tea party has forgotten. we are all devastated by what happened in ohio but take it as a wakeup call. people are hurting and this, plus huge contributions from god knows who, led to the repugs' victory. nothing will change. thay have no answers. perhaps the weeping john boehner is next great halloween mask!

From Barbara in KS:

Sunny, I can only imagine how hard you and so many others worked on this election and how sad you (and all of us) are at the results. It is just so hard to understand how stupid people are and what they expected Obama to do in two years to fix the mess that Bush left this country in. Please go on line and read ***Gusewelle,s column in today's KC is so good! (Thanks Barb,I agree terrific article-S)

***Many share blame for liberals’ losses


It is depressingly clear, in the aftermath of Tuesday’s midterm elections, that the key to political success is effective coalition-building.

Created through the ceaseless, strident repetition of patent untruths, a coalition of the uninformed, the misinformed, the racially bigoted and the obscenely privileged has made serious progress toward its goal.

The objective is to roll back America’s clock to the ruinous policies of the George W. Bush years: ungoverned financial recklessness, wars of choice and tax relief for the very richest among us.

Obviously there is blame to share.Liberals appeared slow to understand that the tea party phenomenon was not merely a raucous curiosity but a real danger, and that civility was an inadequate reply to ranting.

History’s lesson is that the Big Lie can only be defeated by vigorous, relentless proclamation of Big Truth.

Probably Barack Obama is to be faulted for imagining at the outset of his presidency that bipartisanship was an actual possibility, given the vindictiveness arrayed against him.

And without question the Supreme Court is culpable. Its decision allowing giant corporations to pour limitless millions into campaigns has dangerously, perhaps fatally, transformed the political landscape...

Read more:

From Beth in Ardsley,NY:

My reading of the election is not as dire as the media has painted it. I believe that the standing Congress was voted out. Why? Because the general population feels angry and cheated out of economic security. The knee-jerk reaction is to find a new crop of legislators in order to feel some sense of movement out of this morass.

The bankers felt the TARP - and the rest of us feel the pinch: in education, social welfare, small businesses. retail and even government jobs. President Obama should not respond to the vote in a testy manner - he has to reach out and achieve change through getting along. You cannot get bees with vinegar.

I have complete faith in our president - and I believe that if we watch him overcome this adversity, we will see how truly superb he is in this job.

Everything happens for a reason: we just have to wait and see what this test of strength and focus will yield for this president and the nation.

From Lisa in VT:

Our message isn't so simple so we have to back it up with education. We should not compromise the message integrity but tweak a bit for the sake of a sound bite worthy version - but have all the meat and potatoes available for those who care enough to give it more time. I'd love to help you synthesize info for your blog. It's a great service you do. Hope you had a wonderful evening. Loved the meeting. Thank you so much for including me.

Professor Obama's Budget 101.

The predictably childish reactions of the left and right to the budget blueprint unveiled by the co-chairs of President Obama's debt commission offer the president a chance to play a role to which he may be uniquely suited: the grown-up in the room.

Read the entire story here:

From Kurt in Ohio:

Remember "No drama Obama" is what he was and is. Though many things were accomplished he was unwilling to blow his own horn or fight the misperceptions the corporatists, whom he dealt with, foisted upon the public.

From Val in Ohio:

I'm sure you saw this in today's NY Times. There are so many good news reports from Obama's first two years with the help of the Dems that were just thrown under the bus. We're fighting against the Fox message machine while MSNBC suspends Olbermann just because he made some donations. You would probably have to suspend the entire faux news department at Fox given those standards.

This is not for the blog. I'm just venting.

Linda is a good Dem. Will have to track her down and go out for a drink.

I can sum up what's wrong with Ohio with one word.....RACE. A group of my buddies got together the day after the election just to lift our spirits. One worked the polls in a very conservative area. She said conversation ranged from how happy the slaves were to other aspects of taking our country back. Needless to say, she has decided not to return as a poll worker but this should give you just a little insight.Thanks for serving as the intermediary. You have assembled a well connected cast of progressives who have one goal in mind...Keep the Dems in the driver's seat for the good of the country

From Sue in Long Island:

Thank you so much for your hard work and dedication in support of Tim Bishop’s campaign.

Sadly, due to a miscount, the race is far from over and we need you to pitch in for a few more days. Congressman Bishop is now trailing by 390 votes with 10,600 absentee and affidavit votes yet to be counted.

This shocking error doesn’t at all diminish the work you’ve done. I’m so proud of the unflagging commitment and constant good cheer of our volunteers. You inspire me every day.

Your calls and canvasses made an enormous difference in this tight election against a candidate with almost limitless funds who was able to dominate the airwaves, scare many seniors with outright falsehoods, and aggressively suppress the Democratic vote.

Please click on the links below to:

1) make a contribution for what will be an expensive fight:

2) report any irregularities you witnessed on Election Day:

If you’re willing to volunteer to help monitor that every vote is counted, call the Bishop voter protection office at 696-1345 or email me.

Thanks so much for your continued support in making this country a better place for all.

From Ben in NYC:

Lewis Lapham, a good friend of ours, among many other endeavors puts out a weekly podcast that is invariably fascinating. In the link below, he interviews Simon Winchester, author of the new book, "Atlantic." Winchester's first anecdote is about's Israel's founding -- that it owes it to the Atlantic Ocean. I think you'll enjoy it.

From Jackie in New Jersey:

I owe you an email. I want you to know I understand your pain. Have some thoughts to share. Hope you are well – all things considered.

From Judy in Mamaroneck:

There was a time not so long ago when Americans,regardless of their political stripes, rallied around their President:

From Mary in KCMO:

I have started and deleted this message about six times in the past five days. I realize I was over thinking and over analizing the reasons and results of November 2nd. Lord knows, there is plenty of blame to go around.

At this point, it's very simple: we need to pick ourselves up, dust ourselves off and gear up for the next battle.......that's it.

"The work goes on, the cause endures, the hope still lives, and the dream shall never die."

Ted Kennedy, 1980

"WE ARE the Dream Keepers!"

Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee, (D-18th, Texas) November, 2010
Think about it...............

Is there work to be done? You bet!!! More later..............

PS Congratulations California and New York!!

PPS A special Thank You to Sunny and her team in New York for making all those calls for Robin Carnahan.

From Ruthie in AZ:

Things are wrong on EVERY level. I agree with Peggy. The democrats need to step up and quit being the "nice" guy. Someone has to get Nancy Pelosi and tell her to get out of the friggin spotlight.

I was in so many states before the election that either the campaign ads or the signs said something that tied a candidate to Pelosi as if it was the plague. They will ride that through the next election if she stays in the limelight.

I am nearly ill over this election. I knew Arizona would go "down" but I had no idea BEN QUAYLE would get elected and that Harry Mitchell would be thrown out of the house. (every one of his opponents ads had his name and Nancy Pelosi's - never even mentioning the republican candidate)

On a rather simple level - having nothing to do with major politics - Bristol Palin is on Dancing with the Stars. You probably don't watch this show but the ex-Cardinal qback, Kurt Warner was on this season so I have been off-and-on watching. She is the worst dancer ever. Just a clutz. HOWEVER, the republican and tea party websites encourage people to vote for her. Hence, she is still on and has made the semi-finals. She will probably win this stupid competition. Case in point. THEY ARE EVERYWHERE. They are like mormons or morons, whatever.

From Joe in Ohio:

I believe Val may have the same feelings, one of the issues with the DEMS and Ohio with this election, they put as I said before the YOUNG, COOL, HIP (its cool to run a campaign, clubhouse mentality) people to MANAGE the campaign…….then people like myself see what a mess it is and QUIT.

This is what happens with the Kerry/Bush deal in some areas of the Ohio……. In Ohio election campaigns many times are a HOBBY not a BUSINESS……the GOP always runs it like a business.

2008 was different; you had Obama master of communication, charisma and knew how to work the WEB!!!! Strickland was the lesser of the two evil…..he has NO charisma, etc…….and Kasich worked it and own……even if there was funny business, the GOP WORKED it……..not a casual hobby.

On to 2012……..and keep them to RULE24 24months……the GOP promised all the answers and solutions…….WE MUST KEEP THEM TO THEM.

From Eileen in KCMO:

good job-loved the John Adams quote

From Patty R in KCMO:

John Adams also said that a democracy could only exist with an educated populace – he was amazingly wise – great quote from Sunny.

From Gwynneth in White Plaiins:

Did you know that:The words "race

> car" spelled backwards still spells "race car"?"Eat" is the

> only word that, if you take the 1st letter and move it to

> the last, spells its past tense, "ate"?And if you rearrange

> the letters in "so-called tea party Republicans," and add

> just a few more letters, it spells: "Shut the f--- up you

> free-loading, progress-blocking, benefit-grabbing,

> resource-sucking, violent, hypocritical douche bags, and

> deal with the fact that you nearly wrecked the country under

> Bush and that our president is black."Isn't that

> interesting?

From DC in CA:

Let’s take a little laugh break compliments of Randi Rhodes! Love you –

Let’s take a break from obsessing about current Republican nightmares, and revisit a Republican nightmare from the past. George Bush recently sat down with Matt Lauer. Bush didn’t exactly open up about his mistakes. Thank God. Bush “opening up” about his mistakes would be a venting that would dwarf the BP oil spill.

On his “Mission Accomplished” speech, Bush said he was caught up in an “exhilarating moment.” I guess the codpiece went to his head.

He says he didn’t fire Donald Rumsfeld over Abu Ghraib because “there was no obvious replacement for Don.” What? All a person needs to replace Donald Rumsfeld is an ability to stand for prolonged periods and talk nonstop without saying anything. I’ll tell you where you can find a replacement for Donald Rumsfeld— in the areas north, west, south, and east of Washington .

He said the photo of him looking out the window of Air Force One in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina made him look “uncaring and detached.” I think photographers refer to that as “capturing the moment.”

George Bush claims he was not in shock when he sat there stunned after being told of the attacks on 9/11. I’m sure he was NOT in shock. 9/11 was just the inevitable result of the half-assed way he had been conducting national security. Still, he wants people to know that he was not paralyzed into inaction. No, the paralysis had occurred earlier, when he was handed a memo saying “Bin Laden determined to strike within the US .”

The former president also described his battles with booze. He says that he was never tempted to start drinking again during his presidency. Good. He would have had to fight the rest of us for the vodka. Of course, in the end, all of his years of hard drinking failed to prevent George Bush from getting to the White House. Well, the bottle let us down again.

At least watching this interview makes it clear why Republicans begged George Bush to hold off his book tour until after the election. If Bush had been all over the airwaves 10 days ago, every Democrat this side of Alvin Greene would have won their election. How soon we forget. And that’s pretty much what Republicans rely on.

From Val from Ohio:

True story

I went to my part time job yesterday and read some evaluations from a workshop I did for the program. One was particularly scathing and left me feeling totally worthless. While musing over the words, I started to think about our wonderful President and how he's disrespected on a daily basis yet he continues trying to do what's best for our country. If he can weather those daily storms, I can get over a disgruntled parent.

Still anxiously waiting to hear the outcome of your Thursday session with Kaine. Our meeting yielded a good review though some of the feedback was incredulous. The OFA field director tried to get a couple of the volunteers to write up a disciplinary action against other volunteers! Needless to say, we lost many volunteers. There was no cohesive message for the volunteers to deliver anyway.

I hosted a MoveOn party this evening. Had a good turnout (about 15 people). Hard to keep them focused on finding solutions. More of a tendency to admire the problem. Nevertheless, we did come up with some ideas for moving forward mainly centered around the need to educate the general public and get the real facts out about issues like health care reform.

One man who attended was a physicist who tended to go against the flow of ideas. He seemed to know quite a bit about economic policy. If looking at a long range remedy, he felt all of the tax cuts needed to expire, however he recognized that was not politically wise. Would have enjoyed hearing more from him.

From Sharon in Scarsdale: Great article shown once before but worth the read!

Obama Will Triumph — So Will America

By Frank Schaeffer

Before he’d served even one year President Obama lost the support of the easily distracted left and engendered the white hot rage of the hate-filled right. But some of us, from all walks of life and ideological backgrounds — including this white, straight, 57-year-old, former religious right wing agitator, now progressive writer and (given my background as the son of a famous evangelical leader) this unlikely Obama supporter — are sticking with our President. Why?– because he is succeeding.

We faithful Obama supporters still trust our initial impression of him as a great, good and uniquely qualified man to lead us.

Obama’s steady supporters will be proved right. Obama’s critics will be remembered as easily panicked and prematurely discouraged at best and shriveled hate mongers at worst...(Read rest on line)

From Judy in Mamaroneck,NY:

Subj: Message to the Tea Party -- What took you so long to get angry?

I thought that should go in the blog! Clearly the Republicans and Tea Partiers are a different breed of people.. heartless and selfish!

Message to the Tea Party -- What took you so long to get angry?

You didn't get mad when the Supreme Court stopped a legal recount and

appointed a President.

You didn't get mad when Cheney allowed Energy company officials to

dictate Energy policy and push us to invade Iraq .

You didn't get mad when a covert CIA operative got outed.

You didn't get mad when the Patriot Act got passed.

You didn't get mad when we illegally invaded a country that posed no threat to us.

You didn't get mad when we spent over 800 billion (and counting) on said illegal war.

You didn't get mad when Bush borrowed more money from foreign sources than the previous 42 Presidents combined.

You didn't get mad when over 10 billion dollars in cash just disappeared in Iraq.

You didn't get mad when you found out we were torturing people.

You didn't get mad when Bush embraced trade and outsourcing policies

that shipped 6 million American jobs out of the country.

You didn't get mad when the government was illegally wiretapping Americans.

You didn't get mad when we didn't catch Bin Laden.

You didn't get mad when Bush rang up 10 trillion dollars in combined budget and current account deficits.

You didn't get mad when you saw the horrible conditions at Walter Reed.

You didn't get mad when we let a major US city, New Orleans, drown.

You didn't get mad when we gave people who had more money than they could spend, the filthy rich, over a trillion dollars in taxbreaks.

You didn't get mad with the worst 8 years of job creations in several decades.

You didn't get mad when over 200,000 US citizens lost their lives because they had no health insurance.

You didn't get mad when lack of oversight and regulations from the Bush Administration caused US citizens to lose 12 trillion dollars in investments, retirement, and home values.

No . . . You finally got mad when a black man was elected President and decided that people in America deserved the right to see a doctor if they are sick.

Illegal wars, lies, corruption, torture, job losses by the millions, stealing your tax dollars to make the rich richer, and the worst economic disaster since 1929 are all okay with you, but helping fellow Americans who are sick . . . Oh, Hell No!!

From Jennifer in DC:

I hope you’re doing well. What a depressing election night. I still can’t get over all the good Members we lost in New York. It was truly a terrible night for our country.

I’m writing because as I’m sure you know, Cong. Tim Bishop is in a very close recount. His 3,461 vote lead on Election Day is now a deficit of just under 400 votes after a recanvass of the voting machines. This is a dramatic swing of approximately 4000 votes and after reports of problems at polling places, it is clear that we must do everything to ensure that every single vote is properly counted.

Individuals can contribute up to $30,400 to the DCCC’s recount fund and/or $2,400 to the campaign recount fund. Would you be willing to make a contribution or do you know of others that might be interested?

As you can imagine, we are in the beginning stages of what could prove to be a lengthy and costly process and Nita is doing all she can to help Tim. Please let me know if you have any questions and thank you for your consideration.

From Jane in Larchmont,NY:

Well, another day, another link from me--although it's yesterday's Times--Bob Herbert, and I think he basically gives the Democratic case.

Thank you for everything you are. Hope your meeting goes well.


This confirms what you said--

From Letty P in NYC:

I've been participating in a Palestinian/Jewish women's dialogue group for nearly three years. When The Forward asked me to be the guest editor of their Op-Ed page, I invited my Palestinian sisters to each contribute an essay. For my brief intro, followed by their four essays, click here or paste the URL into your browser.

As always, I'll be grateful for your reactions but please don't feel obligated to respond.

Click here: Forward Forum –

From Ellen in Chicago: (Obama delegate to convention in 08)

Although This may seem a bit elementary to some of you, this is one of the best presentations I've seen on Healthcare Reform


From Randy in Berkeley:

The Republicans have already started in!!!! We are in for big troubles. It's amazing how much power one person can hold over an entire senate. I'm speaking of John Kyle from Arizona!

From Ruthie in AZ, formerly of KCMO:

Harry Truman was a different kind of President. He

probably made as many, or more important

decisions regarding our nation's history as

any of the other 42 Presidents preceding him.

However, a measure of his greatness may rest on

what he did after he left the White House.

The only asset he had when he died

was the house he lived in, which was

in Independence Missouri .

His wife had inherited the house from her

mother and father and other than their

years in the White House, they lived their

entire lives there...(Read rest on line)

From Weschester 4 Change:


If you cannot join us, please call The White House, your senators, and representative TODAY!

If you need more information, please read here

President Obama : 202-456-1111

Rep. Nita Lowey: 202-225-6506 (Washington) and 428-1707 (White Plains)

Rep. John Hall: 202-225-5441

Rep. Eliot Engel: 202-225-2464

Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand: 202-224-4451

Sen. Chuck Schumer: 202-224-6542


As we enter the holiday season, come share a glass of wine and help plan our next steps after the mid-term elections.

WHAT: We invite everyone to gather to socialize, discuss the implications of the mid-term elections, and most importantly plan next steps. In addition to the necessary griping, we will be talking about what progressives did well, what we did not do well, and how we should proceed. At this gathering, we will be accepting small voluntary contributions to help defray our organizational expenses.

WHEN: Saturday, December 4th 2pm

WHERE: Home of Rachel Estroff, 7 Davenport St. Harrison, NY 10528

RSVP or QUESTIONS: Rachel Estroff 914-525-1940,, or Meetup


WHAT: Join us for a workshop focusing on the New York State budget process and how we, as progressives, can influence the results. Specifically, this workshop will teach us about the process, as well as how revenue is raised through income taxes, property taxes and user fees. The goal is to equip us to protect important services and press for the most progressive taxes possible in the current economic and political climate.

WHEN: Tuesday, December 14th, 7-9:30pm

WHERE: CWA, Communication Workers of America Offices in Port Chester 345 Westchester Ave. Port Chester, NY 10573

RSVP or QUESTIONS: Rachel Estroff 914-525-1940, or Meetup Space is limited.

From Dani in Brooklyn:

Please call - I want my 13 cents worth!! (as opposed to the 77 cents I make for every dollar a man makes doing the same work). It's incredible that we're still not there yet; that somehow it's OK to say that work is worth less when a woman does it.


The countdown is on and we need your help to get the bill across the finish line. On Tuesday, November 16, participate in the national call-in day! Call your senators at 1-877-667-6650 and ask them to pass the Paycheck Fairness Act this session!

The moment is here – thanks to your support, we are within striking distance of passing the Paycheck Fairness Act! The Senate is back in session and precious few days remain for them to pass this critical bill.

Taking action has never been more important than it is right now. The Senate must make this bill a priority: the Paycheck Fairness Act would deter wage discrimination by closing loopholes in the Equal Pay Act and barring retaliation against workers who disclose their wages to coworkers...

From Betty in Scarsdale:

Ck out Schumer and messaging!

Chuck Schumer gets more power

Schumer has been put in charge of the Senate Democrats' "messaging."

» Read full article

From Charlie in Larchmont:

I'm sure it was just a coincidence that this was cut from the broadcast...

By the way, did I tell you that I'm going to lunch with The Easter Bunny next week? I'm so excited to finally meet him face-to-face after all these years!

From Sue in Long island:

The economy’s improving but businesses are struggling and unemployment remains stubbornly high.

We CAN do something about this crisis locally. For the Holidays, let’s buy local and support our volunteers’ retail businesses, food products, and creative works. Whether you’re looking for stocking stuffers or ride-on lawn mowers, a painting for your living room or an illustrated book to read to your grandkids, a designer jacket or a healthy edible treat, we have volunteers with entrepreneurial and creative talents who can delight you and your loved ones.

The first step: If you own a retail business, or are a local food or wine purveyor, send us your name, business address, and ONE descriptive sentence (include hours and website).

If you’re an artist, published author, or an artisan, send us your name and where to purchase your works (a descriptive sentence and website too).

Please email me as soon as possible. Last date to be included is next Tuesday, November 23.

I’ll put together a list and email it to OFA volunteers. Let’s make a difference in our community this Holiday season!!

From Edith in NYC,once again:

To amuse…..

From Elizabeth and Sheila in Westchester after viewing video from Ellen: (Also Val in Ohio)

Agree about this video!! I just watched it and was so impressed. The way it can be effective of course is by going viral, grassroots. If it seems to be coming from the WH or DNC, people will either not invest the nine minutes or just think of how to oppose it. I'll get to work spreading it right away. Kaiser has been superb on this from the start.E

Great, Sunny. Would help if everyone passed it on, for starters. Sheila

It's a start. At our meeting someone was saying how Obama needed to do better at getting his message out about his accomplishments. My answer to her was "that's our job." The Dems in Congress should also get on board and stop running away from progress. That's exactly what we talked about last night. Do you remember the film shown in just about all elementary schools called How a bill becomes a law? It was simple but something a developing mind would remember. Send my thanks to Ellen for providing a similar little ditty that even a tea party person could understand (our low information voters).

Now if someone will just do the same to provide an explanation of our economic mess.

It is what we were talking about specifics, clear- a bit too long but a start! Sunny

From Amy in Mamaroneck:

This is just going up now on the front page at HuffPost – tried to point out the only silver lining in the travesty of the Paycheck Fairness Act getting shot down – our gal Gillibrand!

From Judy in Mamaroneck,NY:

What a sad commentary on the widespread intelligence of the voting masses in this country! Article about Sarah reaching the top and running for President by Frank Rich,NY Times!!!

Click here: Could She Reach the Top in 2012? You Betcha - 

From Joe in Ohio:

Try to relax…..WE MUST REGROUP. I want you to think about something…….”Blinders on” I think this is what we must keep in mind……ignore all the GOP and work toward the light at the end of the tunnel…….2012.

Secondly…….for the mass American public, JOBS, JOBS, JOBS and Obama needs to be more public with this issue. The average mild American can not see the good in the equal pay issue, when both mom and dad are unemployed. I personally believe if Obama starts to “WORK IT” the jobs issue in the press…..and I mean “WORK IT” the press…..he can skip the Whitehouse in 2012. The issue with the unemployed is the numbers are decreasing…….BUT they are decreasing because people are running out of benefits….and no longer being counted. So…..ignore that…..just a note…….Focus on JOBS JOBS JOBS……create federal jobs……simplify the application deal…..Homeland security, FDA protecting the food, drugs, etc………from what I see this is what “mild American” can comprehend……don’t forget with Kerry wind surfing…..mild America could not relate and hence he lost………Bush bailed hay and AMERICA GOT THAT…….sad to say……most of America is OHIO, not the coasts.

LAST……….I promise…….I truly believe most of America is ok (including females) with men making more money… with the unemployment issue, they would rather make less and be employed. I believe this…..its back to JOBS JOBS JOBS.

And as we have said America is STUPID…..Obama talks over their heads…..even with his agenda…..I believe this is why Bush, Palin, etc America can relate to them….they use a simple agenda, language, etc…….Obama needs to “dumb up” to relate to AMERICA…..I believe at this point America does not care about the other issues….. its stupid simple for AMERICA JOBS JOBS JOBS…….and I must admit……I can understand, food on the table and even having a home and a table is most important….its survivial

…….I know they think Palin is an idiot. Hopefully Palin will be the candidate……I did a trade show this weekend, MANY GOP ( had to keep my mouth shut) what I over heard is they HATE Palin. So Palin being the candidate could be a GREAT thing.

I do think that Obama needs to pull Hillary with him……With Ohio back in the hands of GOP, we must have a FIRM ticket and be mindful of the past election voting “tricks”…….I can’t believe that Ohio went all GOP……..every office.

If you want to see some real GOP S---…….go to look at the website……this is the GOP right wing at its best……this is just a HINT of what DEMS will be up against come 2012 and what type of people will be at the helm of the GOP rule and THE 2012 ELECTION process.