Sunday, November 4, 2007

Mukasey Is (Much) Worse Than Gonzales

Great article in The Nation about AG (nominee) Mukasey. What a frickin' jerk! How can Sen Schumer actually support him?! What a disgrace that the top law enforcement position in the United States has become so compromised to the rule of law. :-(


SunnyG said...

Thanks so much David for keeping us all informed. Just when you think it can't get worse something always pops up!

SunnyG said...

My good friend Irv says the whole problem is if Mukasey says it is illegal, it would open up terrible litigation problems for W. If he puts a definitive opinion on record it could be used against the administration. Lawyers don't put themselves in a position where litigation could be possible. What about principle I'd like to know? Our ability to access information is so vast like this bolg. IF there were no internet and/or digital cameras we wouldn't have known about this. This terrible torture stuff has probably gone on for decades. NO one would have been any the wiser but all this information has caught people with their pants down. Now we know about it and hold people accountable. Thus the information age is positive and the government needs to own up to this. Info is in our face and there is more of a threat of accountablity for W and his thugs. This is a good thing and we have to keep the pressure up!!!!