Saturday, November 17, 2007

From Hank:

Happy Thanksgiving!

“Democrats Find Their Voice” – Editorial – November 17, 2007

I applaud Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi for leading their colleagues to make the right decision to finally bring the Iraq war to en end. I encourage them, and all the Democratic candidates for president, to stand strong no matter what Mr. Bush and his die-hard supporters in Congress say or do with regard to an end of funding for this immoral, horrific war.

If the Republicans in the Senate keep blocking a floor vote on attaching definitive time tables to any funding bill, Mr. Reed, along with Ms. Pelosi on the House side, need to withhold funding until either the President signals that he is ready to accept time tables, or enough Republicans in Congress vote with the Democrats to bring our troops home.

The holiday season is upon us and the best gift we can possibly give our brave young men and women in uniform and their families is the certainty that they will be coming home by this time next year.

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