Friday, November 30, 2007
From John Kerry in Africa!
I wanted to take a very quick break from my travels not to ask for money and not to talk politics, but just to pass on some thoughts about two big global challenges which need to be on our minds: HIV/AIDS and climate change.
This week, Teresa and I experienced an up close and personal reminder of how far the world has yet to travel to defeat HIV/AIDS. Talking with people in poverty stricken KwaNgcolosi near Hillcrest in Durban, South Africa, we saw both the most inspiring and the most heartbreaking realities of a global struggle to defeat a global scourge.
We met orphaned children left with no choice but to assume adult responsibilities, caring for their young brothers and sisters. We met single mothers scratching out subsistence in mud houses, their husbands lost to a horrific disease. I have to tell you, experiences like this have an impact on you.
I didn't want to wait until I got back to the United States to say something to you, because tomorrow is World AIDS Day - and it needs to be a day of action. Challenge Washington to stop blocking better educational efforts and stop putting ideology before science. Demand that American leadership help convince nations like South Africa not to repeat our shameful denial of HIV/AIDS in the 1980s - and to commit their countries to saving lives not saving face. There is no fixing a problem political leaders refuse to admit exists.
There's something else - and I'll have much more to say about this when I'm back. I'll be leading - with Senator Boxer - a Senate delegation to Bali in December to the global conference where work will start on a new international climate change treaty. We can't wait until we have a new president; we need to get moving now. The world simply can't solve these problems without American participation and leadership. Stay tuned.
Bottom line - these are the huge global issues that demand that America be America again, and that we lead by example - and that we lead now.
John F. Kerry
From Judy about New Museum opening and rave reviews!
The New Museum, Now Even Newer
Friday, November 30, 2007
Suzanne DeChillo/The New York Times
Isa Genzken’s “Elefant” makes use of vertical blinds, artificial flowers, plastic tubing and toy figures in a contemporary art show that avoids popular formats like painting, installation works, big-screen videos and Dolby-sound films.
Hey, have you heard? There’s a little something happening on the Bowery. After nearly 30 years as scrappy also-ran, the New Museum is re-opening tomorrow in a brand new building on the Lower East Side. Nicolai Ouroussoff is a fan. “The kind of building that renews your faith in New York as a place where culture is lived, not just bought and sold,” he writes, it “succeeds on a spectacular range of levels: as a hypnotic urban object, a subtle critique of the art world and a refreshingly unpretentious place to view art.” And Roberta Smith says the inaugural exhibition, “Unmonumental: The Object in the 21st Century,” is “a gauntlet thrown down to other New York museums. It says: get your nerve on.” What are you waiting for? Go check it out.
“New Look for the New Museum,” by Nicolai Ouroussoff NOvember 30 Front page Fine arts NYTimes!
“In Galleries, a Nervy Opening Volley,” by Roberta Smith November 30 Front page NY Times Fine Arts Section!
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
From Obama Campaign:
Obama Holds Health Care Roundtable
On Sunday in Des Moines, Senator Obama joined a doctor, a health care clinic director, a teacher, a student, a welder, and a hairdresser for a roundtable discussion on health care. Obama stressed that there is only one way to build a universal health care system in America -- by electing a president who can bring Democrats and Republicans together and stand up to the special interests by creating an open, transparent reform process. Obama described his own proposal and listened as the six Iowans discussed their personal experiences dealing with our nation's health care system.
Michelle Obama Brings Vision of Possibility to the Palmetto State
On Tuesday, Michelle Obama addressed several hundred people in Orangeburg and Columbia about the sense of possibility and hope that her husband brings to America. At South Carolina State University in Orangeburg, she asked the audience to have faith in themselves and the country. "I'm asking you to believe in yourselves. I'm asking you to stop settling for the world as it is and to help us make the world as it should be," she said. She also visited a beauty salon in Orangeburg as part of the campaign's barbershop and beauty salon outreach program.
Oprah Winfrey to Campaign for Obama
Next month, Oprah Winfrey will be hitting the campaign trail in Iowa, New Hampshire, and South Carolina to talk to voters about why she supports Barack Obama for president. One of the most respected and influential people in America, Oprah will offer the campaign the opportunity to reach out to new groups of voters and build our grassroots movements for change.
Rally with Barack and Oprah: Des Moines,IA | Cedar Rapids,IA | Manchester,NH | Columbia,SC |
The Obama Foreign Policy: The Judgment to Lead
Senator Obama concluded his three-day trip to New Hampshire with a foreign policy forum in Portsmouth. Joined by several of his top foreign policy advisers, Obama continued his open dialogue with New Hampshire voters about his plans to renew American diplomacy and turn the page on the conventional Washington thinking. Senator Obama and his advisers discussed the need for a transparent process to unite America behind a fundamentally different foreign policy, as well as specific plans to end the war in Iraq, renew American leadership in the world, pursue aggressive diplomacy with Iran, fight terror, reduce the threat of nuclear weapons, and invest in a 21st century military. Panelists included New Hampshire resident Admiral John Hutson (USN Ret.), Richard Danzig, Tony Lake, Samantha Power, and Susan Rice.
Campaign Presence Expands Across Nevada
On Saturday, the Nevada campaign celebrated our growing presence in southern Nevada with the Grand Opening of the Pahrump Headquarters -- our 7th office in the state. This week the campaign will continue the critical work of reaching out to rural communities by holding an event in Mesquite with Congressman Adam Smith (D-WA). Representative Smith will speak with supporters and undecided caucus-goers about the reasons why he believes that Senator Obama is the best candidate to bring real change to Washington and address the issues that affect rural communities.
From Christina posted comment to Pat and Rudy:
I guess everyone has forgot just what kind of Mayor he really was. Remember how he censored our museum's exhibits and the whole transit system strike? My parents, who were born and raised in Italy, called him Mussolini. How can our nation be run my a man that his own kids hate?
If Rudy wins I'm moving my family to Canada.
It seems there is no end to the dirty-dealing, despicable, diabolical and disastrous dealings of the Bush administration. Their must recent end-run around Congress establishes the dangerous precedent of a large U.S. force in Iraq for decades to come. This was the strategy of Bush and Cheney in the first place. They plotted to oust Saddam, take over the Iraqi oil fields to pay for their immoral war, and establish permanent bases for possible strikes in Iran, China and North Korea. These bases will most likely be used for re-fighting the Taliban and Al Qaeda in Afghanistan and Pakistan, battles we are losing since Bush chose to attack Rumsfeld’s “better targets” in Iraq in 2003.
What truly amazes this writer is that the story has all but disappeared from the media, replaced by the buzz about a potential peace agreement between Israel and Palestine. Without the involvement of Hamas and militant Israeli groups there will never be a lasting peace in the Middle East, and all the participants at Annapolis know it.
Why is it that we never learn the lessons of history, and are therefore always repeating them? We still have thousands of troops in Korea, almost a half century since that war ended.
When I was a child growing up in New York the police caught a very clever bank robber named Willie Sutton. When questioned about why he used his amazing talents to rob banks, Mr. Sutton replied, “that’s where the money is.” Iraq is “where the money is”, and the Bush administration has no plans to lose control of the billions of barrels of oil buried beneath the Iraqi desert. The Bush/ Malaki deal for “a lasting friendship” between the U.S. and Iraq is simply a way for Bush to keep on supporting the Shia majority in Iraq without holding them accountable for anything. It is at best cowardly and at worst another deep stain on America’s respect and dignity around the world.
I can only hope the next President will invalidate this agreement when he or she takes office in January of 2009.
Henry A. Lowenstein
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
From Kathy in MO about Obama:
From Sunny received by Obama campaign:
Join Barack Obama at The Apollo Theater this Thursday, November 29th:
Here are the details:
Barack Obama at The Apollo Theater
Thursday, November 29th
Doors open 7:00 p.m.
The Apollo Theater
253 W. 125th Street
New York, New York 10027
Tickets: $50
Purchase tickets now:
With less than six weeks to go until the first Democratic primaries and caucuses, now's the time to turn your enthusiasm into action.
Come and see first hand why Barack is the one candidate in this election who offers change we can believe in.
This is your last opportunity to purchase tickets online and join Barack at The Apollo Theater:
Hope to see you there!
Obama for America
If you can't make it to this event but would like to support Barack, please make a donation here:
From Tony in Chicago about Obama:
wish he had more fight in him -- he keeps bringing a
knife to a gunfight -- In him; I see the reflected
hopes of a generation -- and I don't know if he's
ready yet -- he has to be better in the debates -- he
keeps getting caught flat-footed-- he; at times
doesn't have an answer -- and he looks inept next to
Hilary-- she is polished and the creation of the best
political animal of the last 100 years
(Bill)-- I seriously don't like Hilary-- she
supported the war and forgot how to be a Democrat--
that she is up to her tits in lobbyist money is of no
comfort either...... But she is going to beat your guy
-- he is not mean enough-- and this is a mean
landscape-- I know it is ironic that his fundamental
decency is a liability-- but it is . This guy is going
to have to take the gloves off-- and knock off the
namby-pamby John Kerrey shit. Oprah can get him to the
water -- he's going to have to swim by himself.
be well, you
I've been watching Obama-- I
wish he had more fight in him -- he keeps bringing a
knife to a gunfight -- In him; I see the reflected
hopes of a generation -- and I don't know if he's
ready yet -- he has to be better in the debates -- he
keeps getting caught flat-footed-- he; at times
doesn't have an answer -- and he looks inept next to
Hilary-- she is polished and the creation of the best
political animal of the last 100 years
(Bill)-- I seriously don't like Hilary-- she
supported the war and forgot how to be a Democrat--
that she is up to her tits in lobbyist money is of no
comfort either...... But may beat your guy
-- he is not mean enough-- and this is a mean
landscape-- I know it is ironic that his fundamental
decency is a liability-- but it is . This guy is going
to have to take the gloves off-- and knock off the
namby-pamby John Kerrey shit. Oprah can get him to the
water -- he's going to have to swim by himself.
be well, you
From Kathy in MO:
Anyway, where they were born is irrelevant. What they have done for and to the people is what counts. She is credited with being one of the best mayors that KC has ever seen. He is credited with voting time and again with Bush and against the people!
From Wall Street Journal sent by Anne in Chicago:
November 26, 2007; Page A21
After a recent Democratic presidential debate, Barack Obama proclaimed that were he to become president, he would talk directly even to America's worst enemies. One could imagine President Obama as a kind of superhero taking off in Air Force One for Tehran, there to be greeted on the tarmac by the villainous Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.
Was this a serious foreign policy proposal or simply a campaign counterpunch? Hillary Clinton had already held up this idea as evidence of Mr. Obama's naiveté. Wasn't he just pushing back, displaying his commitment to "diplomacy" -- now the most glamorous word in the Democratic "antiwar" lexicon?
Whatever Mr. Obama's intent, history has given his idea a rather bad reputation. Neville Chamberlain springs to mind as a man who was famously seduced into the wishful thinking that seems central to the idea of talking to one's enemies. Today few Americans -- left or right -- would be comfortable with direct talks between our president and a character like Mr. Ahmadinejad. Wouldn't such talk only puff up extremist leaders and make America into a supplicant?
On its face, Mr. Obama's idea seems little more than a far-left fantasy. But perhaps it looks this way because we are viewing it through too narrow a conception of warfare. We tend to think of our wars as miniature versions of World War II, a war of national survival. But since then we have fought wars in which our national survival was not immediately, or even remotely, at stake. We have fought wars in distant lands for rather abstract reasons, and there has been the feeling that these were essentially wars of choice: We could win or lose without jeopardizing our nation's survival.
Mr. Obama's idea clearly makes no sense in a context of national survival. It would have been absurd for President Roosevelt to fly to Berlin and talk to Hitler. But Mr. Obama's idea does make sense in the buildup to wars where survival is not at risk -- wars that are more a matter of urgent choice than of absolute necessity.
I think of such wars as essentially wars of discipline. Their purpose is to preserve a favorable balance of power that is already in place in the world. We fight these wars not to survive but -- once a menace has arisen -- to discipline the world back into a balance of power that best ensures peace. We fight as enforcers rather than as rebels or as patriots fighting for survival. Wars of discipline are pre-emptive by definition. They pre-empt menace to the peaceful world order. We don't sacrifice blood and treasure for change; we sacrifice for constancy.
Conversely, in wars of survival, like World War II, we fight to achieve a favorable balance of power -- one in which a peace is established that guarantees our sovereignty and survival. We fight unapologetically for dominance, and we determine to defeat our enemy by any means necessary. We do not harry ourselves much over the style of warfare -- whether the locals like us, where the line between interrogation and torture might lie, whether or not we are solicitous of our captive's religious beliefs or dietary strictures. There is no feeling in society that we can afford to lose these wars. And so we never have.
All this points to one of the great foreign policy dilemmas of our time: In the eyes of many around the world, and many Americans as well, we lack the moral authority to fight the wars that we actually fight because they are wars more of discipline than of survival, more of choice than of necessity. It is hard to equate the disciplining of a pre-existing world order -- a status quo -- with fighting for one's life. When survival is at stake, there is no lack of moral authority, no self-doubt and no antiwar movement of any consequence. But when war is not immediately related to survival, when a society is fundamentally secure and yet goes to war anyway, moral authority becomes a profound problem. Suddenly such a society is drawn into a struggle for moral authority that is every bit as intense as its struggle for military victory.
America does not do so well in its disciplinary wars (the Gulf War is an arguable exception) because we begin these wars with only a marginal moral authority and then, as time passes, even this meager store of moral capital bleeds away. Inevitably, into this vacuum comes a clamorous and sanctimonious antiwar movement that sets the bar for American moral authority so high that we must virtually lose the war in order to meet it. There must be no torture, no collateral damage, no cultural insensitivity, no mistreatment of prisoners and no truly aggressive or definitive display of American military power. In other words, no victory.
Meanwhile our enemy is fighting all out to achieve a new balance of power. As we anguish over the possibility of collateral damage, this enemy practices collateral damage as a tactic of war. In Iraq, al Qaeda blows up women and children simply to keep alive the chaos of war that gives it cover. This enemy's sense of moral authority -- as misguided as it may be -- is so strong that it compensates for its lack of sophisticated military hardware.
On the other hand, our great military might is not enough to compensate for our weak sense of moral authority, our ambivalence. If we have the greatest military in history, it is also true that we lack our enemy's talent for true belief. Our rationale for war is difficult to articulate, always arguable, and distinctly removed from immediate necessity. Our society is deeply divided and there is a vigorous antiwar movement ready to capitalize on our every military setback.
This is the pattern of disciplinary wars: Their execution is always undermined by their inbuilt lack of moral authority. In the end, our might neutralizes our might. Our vast power makes all such wars come off as bullying, even when we fight selflessly for the freedom of others.
Great power scares unless it is exercised within a painstaking moral framework. Thus, moral authority is the single greatest challenge of American foreign policy. This is especially so in wars of discipline, wars fought far away and for abstract reasons. We argue for such wars as if they were wars of survival because we want the moral authority that comes so automatically to them. But Iraq is a war of discipline, and no more. If we left Iraq tomorrow there would be terrible consequences all around, but we would survive.
Our broader war against terror, on the other hand, is a war of survival. And it is rich in moral authority. September 11 introduced necessity and, in its name, we have an open license to destroy that stateless network of terrorism that attacked us. America is not divided over this. It was Iraq -- a war of discipline -- that brought us division. This does not mean that the Iraq war is invalid. Ultimately, it may prove to be a far more important war in preserving a balance of power favorable to America than our war against al Qaeda.
The point is that wars of discipline will always have to be self-consciously fought on a moral as well as a military front. And the more we engage the moral struggle, the more license we will have to fight these wars as wars of survival. In other words, our military effectiveness now requires nothing less than a smart and daring brinkmanship of moral authority.
If Mr. Obama's idea was born of mushy idealism, it could work far better as a hard-nosed moral brinkmanship. Were an American president (or a secretary of state for the less daring) to land in Tehran, the risk to American prestige would be enormous. The mullahs would make us characters in a tale of their own grandeur. Yet moral authority would redound to us precisely for making ourselves vulnerable to this kind of exploitation. The world would witness not the stereotype of American bullying, but the reality of American selflessness, courage and moral confidence.
If we were snubbed, if all our entreaties to peace were flouted, if war became inevitable, then we would have the moral authority to fight as if for survival. Either our high-risk diplomacy works or we have the license to fight to win. In the meantime, we give our allies around the world every reason to respect us.
This is not an argument for Mr. Obama's candidacy, only for his idea. It is a good one because it allows America the advantage of its own great character.
Mr. Steele, a research fellow at Stanford University's Hoover Institution, is the author, most recently, of "A Bound Man: Why We Are Excited About Obama and Why He Can't Win," published next week by Free Press.
Monday, November 26, 2007
Fundraising for Kay Barnes...A Response
I posted last week that I was proud to help fundraising for Kay Barnes who is challenging incumbent Sam Graves in the 6th district of MO. I had a comment on that post from "Anonymous" who said "Sam Graves is a good man and I would just like to say that you can raise all the money in the world but you won't get the hearts of the farmers!!!! GO SAM" I would like to respond to that comment here:
Sunday, November 25, 2007
Take the quiz. Find out which candidate you match.
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
From Obama Campaign:
Barack Obama in Manchester, New Hampshire where he gave a major policy address entitled, "Our Kids, Our Future."
Rising Support for Senator Obama
After Senator Obama was declared the "oratorical winner" by the Washington Post due to his great speech at the JJ Dinner, the Iowa polls are in. According to a new Washington Post/ABC poll, Senator Obama has 30 percent support among likely Democratic caucus-goers, leading Senator Clinton by four points and John Edwards by eight points. ABC News reports: "Most Democratic likely voters in Iowa, 55 percent, say they're more interested in a 'new direction and new ideas' than in strength and experience, compared with 49 percent in July -- a help to Obama, who holds a substantial lead among 'new direction' voters."
On Thursday, November 15, delegates of United Auto Workers Region 4, which includes 30,000 members and retirees in Iowa, voted to support Senator Obama's presidential campaign. Obama collected roughly 65 percent of a straw poll after delivering a speech to the UAW conference in Dubuque.
A Real Rural Plan
Over 250 South Carolinians turned out for a rural policy town hall in Kingstree on Saturday evening. 2006 Commissioner of Agriculture candidate Emile DeFelice, President of the National Black Farmers Association John Boyd, local South Carolina farmer Henry King, Wisconsin Congresswoman Gwen Moore, and Counselor for Senator Obama Mike Strautmanis laid out Obama's plan to help support rural communities in South Carolina, including black farmers who have been discriminated against by the U.S. Department of Agriculture.
Obama Announces Plan for World Class Education
Senator Barack Obama on Tuesday announced his comprehensive plan to provide a world-class education for all Americans. The major policy address, "Our Kids, Our Future," was given at Manchester Central High School in Manchester, New Hampshire. At a time when our schools have been shortchanged by the underfunding of "No Child Left Behind," Senator Obama called for a new era of mutual responsibility in education where parents, teachers, leaders in Washington, and citizens all across the country come together for the sake of our children's success.
For more of Senator Obama's plan for world-class education
Obama Campaign Holds Education Roundtables
Last week, the New Hampshire campaign hosted ten education roundtable discussions throughout the state to coincide with a new tv spot and show Obama's commitment to excellence for every child and support for every teacher nation-wide. Check out the new tv ad:
Nevada Campaign Shows Organizational Strength
This week, Las Vegas hosted the CNN-Nevada Democratic Party debate at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas. The Nevada Obama campaign showed its organizational strength and dominated the sign wars outside the debate site. Supporters donned red shirts sporting the slogan, "We're fired up, He's ready to go," and took their energy and enthusiasm to the streets -- waving signs, and chanting for hours, showing the strength of the grassroots support in Nevada.
Later that evening, the Democratic candidates addressed a crowd at the Clark County Jefferson Jackson Dinner at hte Paris Las Vegas Hotel and Casino. According to long-time Nevada political reporter Jon Ralston, Obama energized the crowd "with his eloquence and fire." Campaign supporters and volunteers gathered outside the hall to send off the dinner attendees with giant signs reading "Now you know why we support Barack" and a deafening chant of "Fired up! Ready to Go!"
Monday, November 19, 2007
From Sunny: Sent by Obama Campaign
Iowa is holding its Democratic caucuses on January 3rd.
It's the first state in the country to hold a caucus in this election, and the outcome there will create the momentum Barack needs to win in Kanasas and all across the nation.
The most important thing you can do to help Barack win the Democratic nomination is to sign up to volunteer in Iowa:
No prior experience is needed, and your time and effort will make a big difference. Our staff will connect you with a local field organizer in Iowa and provide you with the training and support you need.
Whether you're a seasoned pro or a first-time volunteer, you'll have the experience of a lifetime. Bus trips and carpools are being scheduled now.
Come out and meet our staff, get to know other supporters, and help Barack win this crucial early state contest:
Thank you for all that you do,
Chris Miller
Kansas State Director
Obama for America
From Andy T:
It's not every day you snag an author who's been dead for 72 years.
But the country is in such bad shape, he actually called ME and insisted on coming to our dinner. "I'd do anything to help," he told me, in his folksy twang. "It's that important."
"Can you help us meet payroll for our nearly 200 local organizers?"
"You mean, like, with money?"
"That's how we pay them, Will. With money."
"Well, anything but that. What else do you need me to do?"
I hear this a lot.
In Will's case, there was no further pitch to be made. Apparently -- I had not known this -- "you can't take it with you." The man is, well . . . dead broke.
But here's the pitch I would make to others -- and ask you to HELP me make to others -- as the window on 2007 giving limits rapidly closes:
NOW is the time we need it most, and NOW is the time to give with greatest leverage.
Organizing now, locally, gives time for roots to grow and organizers to recruit others who will recruit OTHERS.
To those not giving because they are just too angry at our own Democrats to want to help right now . . . beg them to consider how they will feel if we lose one more narrow election (or win, but not by enough to keep it from being stolen) because we didn't do the things in 2007 that cried out to be done.
And offer them this template:
Am I angry we didn't prevent Judge Southwick from being confirmed? Yes. Would he ever have been nominated in the first place under a Democratic president? No.
Am I upset we haven't been able to end the war? Yes. Would there even be a war if Gore had been allowed to take office? No.
Pick almost anything we are sick to tears about and it will fit into exactly the same template.
This doesn't make the pain go away or absolve us Democrats of all responsibility; but it shifts focus back to the main event: Winning the White House. And beginning, at least, to get the country back on track.
The DNC has 200 dedicated, and for the most part underpaid, people working every day to lay the groundwork to do just that.
But unlike Will Rogers, they need to eat.
And unlike Will Rogers, you have a valid credit card to help feed them.
"You know," Will told me, as we were wrapping up, "I never met a man I didn't like."
As I started to respond, he continued, "But this Dick Cheney . . . "
Please reply with a pledge. If you can't make our December 5 dinner, that's OK; we'll apply it to an event you can make (and toward the Convention, if you want to go). But either way, we need to win.
From Kathy in MO:
Judy, you referenced but did not get the same impression I did when I read about this controversial vote. The roll call vote you show did not vote to give Soc. Sec. to illegal aliens at all. This seems to be another email cirulating around full of half truths. Here is what snopes said about this vote:
* The subject of the proposed amendment was not about giving (or denying) Social Security benefits to illegal aliens; it was about whether a select group of
formerly illegal workers (i.e., those who might obtain legal immigration status if the Comprehensive Immigration Reform Act of 2006 were enacted) should be able to receive credit for payments they made into the Social Security system using phony Social Security numbers (i.e., numbers that were invalid or had been assigned to others). Such persons would still be eligible to collect Social Security benefits in the future; they just wouldn't receive credit for payments they had already made into the system.
* The senators named didn't vote against Senator Ensign's amendment; they voted (by a 50-49 margin) in favor of a Motion to Table. (That is, they passed a motion to remove the amendment from consideration before the Senate voted on it.)
In a nutshell, the amendment referenced above wasn't about "giving illegal aliens Social Security benefits"; it was about whether formerly illegal aliens (who had since become legal) should be credited for monies they themselves had paid into the Social Security fund while they were in the U.S. illegally. The senators listed above did not vote in favor of this proposition; they voted to withdraw the amendment from consideration.
We have to be so careful about passing these emails around when they are obviously slanted to give the wrong impression.
Sunday, November 18, 2007
From Congresswoman Lowey!
With the Bush Administration clinging stubbornly to a failed Iraq policy, the Democratic Congress is taking strong and decisive action to force a change in strategy.
This week, the House passed the Orderly and Responsible Iraq Redeployment Appropriations Act, which establishes a timetable for the withdrawal of American troops, limits funding for the war to immediate needs without open-ended commitments, and sets a goal of complete redeployment by the end of 2008.
The Administration had requested $200 billion more for the war. Instead, the House approved $50 billion, sufficient to maintain operations for four months, with consideration of the remainder deferred, so that progress towards withdrawal can be examined.
It is notable – and powerful evidence of the Bush Administration’s misplaced priorities – that even as it was decrying $50 billion in Iraq war spending as insufficient, it was simultaneously vetoing the Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education Appropriations bill for its alleged “waste.”
This bill funded critical investments related to health care, schooling, job training, home heating assistance and other core national interests. Tens of millions of Americans will suffer grievous harm if these essential expenditures are rolled back. President Bush’s veto cries out for a challenge, and House Democrats will do everything in our power to strengthen these initiatives.
The President still wields considerable Constitutional authority, and achieving a comprehensive change in policy may prove impossible prior to the election of a new administration. In the interim, I am committed, as is the Democratic House leadership, to using our Constitutional leverage to maximum effect.
This is what the American people expected when they entrusted Democrats with power, and this is what our nation and the world urgently need.
From Judy: on Social Security Issue and how Senators voted
Security Change For 2008
read all the way to the end.)
Click here: Urban Legends Reference Pages: Social Security for Illegal Aliens from
following senators voted to give illegal aliens
Security benefits. They are grouped by home state.
If a state is not
listed, there was no voting representative.
Alaska : Stevens
Arizona : McCain
Arkansas : Lincoln
(D) Pryor (D)
California : Boxer (D)
Feinstein (D)
Colorado : Salazar
Connecticut : Dodd (D)
Lieberman (D)
Delaware : Biden (D)
Carper (D)
Florida : Martinez
Hawaii : Akaka (D)
Inouye (D)
Illinois : Durbin
(D) Obama (D)
Indiana : Bayh (D)
Lugar (R)
Iowa : Harkin
Kansas : Brownback
Louisiana : Landrieu
Maryland : Mikulski
(D) Sarbanes (D)
Massachusetts : Kennedy
(D) Kerry (D)
Montana : Baucus
Nebraska : Hagel (R)
Nevada : Reid (D)
New Jersey :
Lautenberg (D) Menendez (D)
New Mexico : Bingaman
New York : Clinton
(D) Schumer (D)
North Dakota : Dorgan
Ohio : DeWine
(R) Voinovich(R)
Oregon : Wyden (D)
Pennsylvania : Specter
Rhode Island : Chafee
(R) Reed (D)
South Carolina : Graham
South Dakota : Johnson
Vermont : Jeffords
(I) Leahy (D)
Washington : Cantwell
(D) Murray (D)
West Virginia :
Rockefeller (D), by Not Voting
Wisconsin : Feingold
(D) Kohl (D)
WORKERS who didn't pay in a dime
Security Change For 2008
send this on to as many people as you can.
You've got to read this
all the way through to the bottom .
2008 Election
Issue!! READ
This must be an issue in
"2008" Please! Keep it going.
From Stephanie: On Election thoughts!
I have been telling people I know who have a line to Edwards to press him to nail her on the bankruptcy bill, on which she "evolved" and then I think skipped the vote on the final version. The Harvard professor (a woman) who wrote a book about the squeezing of the middle/ working class by banks and credit card companies said on Bill Moyers' show a year or more ago that Hillary, in effect, promised she would focus on the issue and then did a complete turn-around. Finally, I think she (Hillary) was critical of the bill because of how it would affect child support payments (I forget how), and I see that as positioning herself for the women's vote, which she does seem to be getting.
That bill is a total capitulation to the banks and a terrible further turning of the screws on the less affluent. Do you know how Obama voted on the bill? Maybe he would take her on on that issue. I think it would have great resonance with the entire electorate under the $150,000 income level.
Saturday, November 17, 2007
From Hank:
“Democrats Find Their Voice” – Editorial – November 17, 2007
I applaud Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi for leading their colleagues to make the right decision to finally bring the Iraq war to en end. I encourage them, and all the Democratic candidates for president, to stand strong no matter what Mr. Bush and his die-hard supporters in Congress say or do with regard to an end of funding for this immoral, horrific war.
If the Republicans in the Senate keep blocking a floor vote on attaching definitive time tables to any funding bill, Mr. Reed, along with Ms. Pelosi on the House side, need to withhold funding until either the President signals that he is ready to accept time tables, or enough Republicans in Congress vote with the Democrats to bring our troops home.
The holiday season is upon us and the best gift we can possibly give our brave young men and women in uniform and their families is the certainty that they will be coming home by this time next year.
Friday, November 16, 2007
From Anne:
Begin forwarded message:
Subject: blogger reports Seymour Hersh on Obama
Jon Wiener: Seymour Hersh: Obama 'Only Hope' for US-Muslim Ties
Seymour Hersh: Obama 'Only Hope' for US-Muslim Ties
Posted November 15, 2007 | 12:15 AM (EST)
Read More: 2008 Election, Barak Obama, Offthebus, Breaking Off The Bus News
The following piece is part of an ongoing series of OffTheBus reports by citizen policy experts critiquing different aspects of Campaign 08.
Barack Obama represents "the only hope for the US in the Muslim world," according to Pulitzer-prize winning investigative reporter Seymour Hersh. Because Obama's father was a Muslim, he "could lead a reconciliation between the Muslim countries and the US." With any of the other candidates as president, Hersh said, "we're facing two or three decades of problems in the Mideast, with 1.2 billion Muslims."
Hersh, who writes for The New Yorker about the Bush Administration in Iraq and Iran, spoke to my history class at UC Irvine on Tuesday. In Obama's 2006 book The Audacity of Hope he wrote that his Kenyan father was "raised a Muslim," but says he was a "confirmed atheist" by the time his parents met. His parents separated when he was two years old and later divorced.
Of course if Obama did win the nomination, one can only imagine what the Republicans would do with the fact that his father was a Muslim. We've already had Mitt Romney smiling next to a campaign sign in South Carolina that said "No to Obama Osama."
Hersh did not hold out much hope for improved relations between the US and the Muslim world. "The only good news I can bring you is that tomorrow morning there will be one less day of the Bush presidency," he told an overflow crowd in a public lecture at UC Irvine. Bush "doesn't care about" his low standing in the polls, and as a result "he's going to keep going until 11:59 a.m. on January 20, 2009."
Even after Bush's term ends, "much of the damage is yet to come," Hersh said. "The problems for the next president may be intractable."
"They say the surge has worked," Hersh said. "But do you think someday we will get an oil deal in Iraq? They'll burn the fields first. We're hated in Iraq."
As for Afghanistan, "we became more of a threat to the people than Taliban," Hersh said. We're "losing the war there," he said, and concluded that "Afghanistan is a doomed society."
Hersh said he had just returned from Syria, where he was working on his next New Yorker piece, on the mysterious bombing carried out by the US and the Israelis. "The Syrians have a much longer-term perspective than we do," he said. "They say 'we've been here for 10,000 years; we're not going away.'"
As for the short term, Hersh said, "Cheney thinks war with Islam is inevitable, so we might as well have it now." Administration plans for bombing Iran call for targeting the Revolutionary Guards. Iran's response, Hersh said, is likely to be "asymmetrical" - instead of striking back directly at the US, they will "hit the oil" in the Gulf. The result will be oil prices of "$200 or $300 a barrel," double or triple the current price.
But will Bush bomb Iran? Hersh's answer: "How the hell should I know?"
The Google Primary
Thursday, November 15, 2007
From Daivd: Obama Visit to Google huge hit!
In the end our CEO, Eric Schmidt, told Sen Obama that visiting Google was sort of a job interview, and that he would have to answer some typical Google job interview questions. Barack said "Okay...ask away". And then our CEO asked Sen Obama -- "what's the best way to sort a million 32 bit random numbers in only 64K of memory?" Well, of course, that just brought a thunderous round of laughter, as it's typical of the technical (and arcane) questions that the Engineers get asked during an interview.
After the laughter died down, Barack said ....."Actually, I'd like to take a stab at it. I know this much, you wouldn't want to use a bubble sort". Well...hilarity ensued. The place practically erupted in riots. Not since the premier of "The Rites of Spring" have men been given to such emotional upheavals. :-)
P.S. wikipedia -- see "bubble sorts".
From Anne: Obama Events Don't Miss the Guy-he is fabulous!
11/17/07 – Houston, TX
The Home of Stephanie & Bill Perkins
2427 Pelham Drive
11:00am – Luncheon
Ticket Price: $2,300
Contact: Guy Selden, (202)543-5704,
11/17/07 – Houston, TX
The Home of Dina Alsowayel & Tony Chase
9 Briarwood Court
12:30pm – Host Reception
12:45pm – Luncheon
Host/Ticket Price: $2,300, $500
Contact: Guy Selden, (202)543-5704,
11/17/07 – Austin, TX
The Backyard
1310 Highway 71 W
3:00pm – Countdown to Change
Ticket Price/Student: $25, $15
Contact: Guy Selden, (202)543-5704,
11/17/07 – Austin, TX
The Home of Jane Schweppe Scott & Michael Scott
13500 Pecan Dr.
6:00pm – Host Reception
6:30pm – BBQ
Host/Ticket Price: $2,300, $500
Contact: Guy Selden, (202)543-5704,
11/19/07 – Bronxville, NY
The Home of Karen & Roland Morris
21 Ridge Road
6:30pm-8:30pm – Reception
Friend/Supporter: $2,300, $1,000
Contact: Hildy Kuryk, (212)645-7834,
11/23/07 – Oak Park, IL
The Home of Elise & Ted Dysart
432 N. Elmwood
6:00pm – Host Reception
6:30pm – General Reception
Host/Ticket Price: $10,000, $1,000
Contact: Sarah Rosenzweig, (312)819-2412,
11/23/07 – Chicago, IL
MK Restaurant
868 N. Franklin
7:30pm – Reception
Ticket Price/Additional Tickets: $500, $250
Contact: Jordan Kaplan, (312)8192437,
11/29/07 – New York, NY
Credit Suisse First Boston
11 Madison Avenue/ The Great Room, 27th Floor
7:30am-9:30am – Breakfast
Friend/Ticket Price: $2,300, $1,000
Contact: Hildy Kuryk, (212)645-7834,
11/29/07 – New York, NY
The Home of Susan Waterfall
1 West 81st St.
9:00am-10:30am – Breakfast
Ticket Price: $2,300
Contact: Jenny Yeager, (212)763-4850,
11/29/07 – New York, NY
The Home of Virginia Davies & Willard Taylor
299 West 12th Street, PH-A
5:00pm-7:00pm – Reception
Friend/Ticket Price: $2,300, $1,000
Contact: Hildy Kuryk, (212)645-7834,
11/29/07 – New York, NY
The Home of Susan & Derek Johnson
51 Hamilton Terrace
7:00pm-9:00pm – Reception
Host/Sponsor/Friend/Ticket Price: $5,000, $2,300, $1,000, $500
Contact: Jenny Yeager, (212)763-4850,
No Democracy Without Security
The greatest mistake Bush and his band of bunglers made, aside from invading Iraq in the first place, was to assume that they could impose American style democracy on a Muslim country without security, infrastructure or an economy. The United States, with all our economic and military might has difficulty maintaining our democratic principles at times. If George W. Bush ever read the Koran (or anything else for that matter), he would have known that the Muslim religion actually prohibits a democratic way of life. When Bush insists that Iraq will be a model of democracy in the Middle East, it infuriates all segments of the Iraqi population, and has been the major reason that security has not been established after five plus long years of spilling our precious blood and treasure there. The same holds true for Afghanistan, which was the right war to fight, except that Bush fought it to get Osama, and then left before the mission was “accomplished” to vent his blood lust for nation building toward Iraq.
The Iraqi government has one purpose: ethnic cleansing. No matter how long America stays in Iraq, the day we leave the Shia majority will shut the Sunni minority out. This is already evident in Baghdad where entire neighborhoods have been “cleansed” of Sunni’s. It is the reason that Bush is claiming his “surge” has reduced sectarian violence in the capital city. Iraq has been in a civil war for a thousand years and will continue to be at war until the people decide that they want peace and security. Then and only then can any form of democratic government be born and possibly survive. Even George Bush saying it cannot make it so.
Henry A. Lowenstein
Thank you Mr. Cohen! Barack Obama is truly magical. His intelligence is matched only by his passion, determination and vision of what twenty-first century America should look like. He is an international super-star, a man respected across the usual barriers of race, religion and political affiliation. The presidential election of 2008 is really not about Republican versus Democrat. It is about America regaining the respect and trust of the rest of the world, friend and foe alike. It is about uniting and solving international problems like climate change, healthcare, genocide and global pandemics.
Obama is the only candidate of either party who would be a global President. In order to solve America’s problems we must become part of the global community in non-military ways. We must be seen as compassionate, willing to compromise without ever becoming weak, and above all we must be dignified with respect to our role in world affairs. We must be the opposite of what George Bush has created, and Barack Obama is clearly the best equipped to accomplish this.
Henry A. Lowenstein
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
From Ruthie in AZ:
A report published by the Lovenstein Institute of Scranton, Pennsylvania, detailed its findings of a four month study of the intelligence quotient of President George W. Bush. Since 1973, the Lovenstein Institute has published its research to the educational community on each new president, which includes the famous "IQ" report among others.
There have been twelve presidents over the past 50 years, from F.D. Roosevelt to G.W. Bush, who were rated based on scholarly achievements:
1. Writings that they produced without aid of staff.
2. Their ability to speak with clarity, and several other psychological factors, which were then scored using the Swanson/ Crain System of intelligence ranking.
The study determined the following IQs of each president as accurate to within five percentage points. In order by presidential term:
Franklin Delano Roosevelt [D] 142, Harry S Truman [D] 132, Dwight David Eisenhower [R] 122 John Fitzgerald Kennedy [D] 174, Lyndon Baines Johnson [D] 126, Richard Milhous Nixon [R] 155, Gerald R. Ford [R] 121, James Earle Carter [D] 175, Ronald Wilson Reagan [R] 105 George Herbert Walker Bush [R] 98, William Jefferson Clinton [D] 182, George Walker Bush [R] 91
In order of IQ rating:
182 . . William Jefferson Clinton [D]
175 . . James Earle Carter [D]
174 . . John Fitzgerald Kennedy [D]
155 . . Richard Milhous Nixon [R]
147 . . Franklin Delano Roosevelt [D]
132 . . Harry S Truman [D]
126 . . Lyndon Baines Johnson [D]
122 . . Dwight David Eisenhower [R]
121 . . Gerald R. Ford [R]
105 . . Ronald Wilson Reagan [R]
098 . . George Herbert Walker Bush [R]
091 . . George Walker Bush [R]
The six Republican presidents of the past 50 years had an average IQ of
115.5, with President Nixon having the highest at 155. President George W. Bush rated the lowest of all the Republicans with an IQ of 91.
The six Democratic presidents of the past 50 years had an average IQ of
156, with President Clinton having the highest IQ, at 182. President Lyndon B. Johnson was rated the lowest of all the Democrats with an
IQ of 126. No president other than Carter [D] has released his actual IQ
(176). Note the institute measured him at 175.
Among comments made concerning the specific testing of President G.W. Bush, his low ratings are due to his apparently difficult command of the English language in public statements, his limited use of vocabulary [6,500 words for Bush versus an average of 11,000 words for other presidents], his lack of scholarly achievements other than a basic MBA, and an absence of any body of work which could be studied on an intellectual basis.
The complete report documents the methods and procedures used to arrive at these ratings, including depth of sentence structure and voice stress confidence analysis.
"All the Presidents prior to George W. Bush had a least one book under their belt, and most had written several white papers during their education or early careers. Not so with President Bush," Dr. Lovenstein said. "He has no published works or writings, which made it more difficult to arrive at an assessment. We relied more heavily on transcripts of his unscripted public speaking."
The Lovenstein Institute of Scranton, Pennsylvania think tank includes high caliber historians, psychiatrists, sociologists, scientists in human behavior, and psychologists. Among their ranks are Dr. Werner R. Lovenstein, world-renowned sociologist, and Professor Patricia F.Dilliams, a world-respected psychiatrist For more information on the Lovenstein Institute, go to http:// love lovensteinorg/ <"target=_blank>http://> .
Hmm - The smartest president didn't know enough to keep his pants zipped and the dumbest one thinks he can run a war.
From Ed: Very importatn e-mail!!!
Tom Friedman in the NY Times
Mr. Friedman, as usual, is right again. Why can’t we get him to run for President? There is absolutely no reason for $90-$100 oil, except our ever-increasing demand for the stuff! We need to place an immediate $3.00 to $5.00 per gallon tax on every gallon of gasoline sold in America, and then watch with great delight how demand for oil shrinks, Detroit builds many more fuel efficient cars, and the country develops solar, wind and other alternative sources of energy.
A front page story in the Times says that in Iowa and New Hampshire less than 10% of Democratic voters, and astonishingly, only 1 % of Republican voters, consider the environment a key issue in the upcoming presidential election. What will we tell our children and grandchildren when they ask us why we destroyed the planet, “Coulda, Woulda, Shoulda?”
Henry A. Lowenstein
Why No Energy Bill?
The Bush administration, the Congress and the American people just do not get it! We cannot continue to support our enemies by purchasing billions of barrels of oil from them, and we must immediately cease pumping unimaginable amounts of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. There are several steps to be taken now: Place a $5.00 per gallon tax on gasoline. Forget Cap and Trade programs and place a stiff carbon tax on all major polluters. Pass legislation that mandates Detroit to improve gasoline mileage to 40 plus miles per gallon for all cars and trucks they produce by 2010.
On the front page of today’s Times there is an astounding statistic. In Iowa and New Hampshire only about 8 percent of Democrats, and an astonishing 1 percent of Republicans rank the environment as a key issue in the coming elections. And we wonder why there’s no energy bill?
Henry A. Lowenstein
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
From Sunny: Barack Obama's Drop Dead Speech in Iowa last Saturday night!!!!!!
Barack Obama gave what could be the most important speech of the campaign to more than 9,000 Iowa Democrats in Des Moines this weekend.
He sparked new momentum on the ground in Iowa, where the January 3rd caucuses will be the first true test of our campaign and Senator Clinton's .
Go to and watch the "Fired up at the JJ speech" just click on it!. You won't be sorry you did. It is like watching the new Martin Luther King or Bobby Kennedy. It is a true delight and he is absolutely inspiring. This is the Barack I met and admire!
From Sunny Born to be Wild!
Baby Boomer
Monday, November 12, 2007
Could MO be going Blue???
We also have been suffering from "Blunt Trauma" here in MO for four years under the tyranny of Roy Blunt's boy, Gov. Matt Blunt. Tom Delay and Daddy Blunt have poured lots of cash into his campaigns. He is like Bush's mini-ME in Missouri. Following Bush's lead, he has slashed social programs, privatized and awarded cronies every agency he could, and has shrouded his office in secrecy. He has nearly killed stem cell research in this state, driving away important jobs and labs who want nothing to do with his backward ways. He had a goal to completely do away with Medicaid and has proceeded to nearly do it. He privatized every agency he could and, of course, awarded those offices to his cronies. It can take you all day to get a license plate or driver's license under his "streamlined" private plan. Now he has been caught destroying government documents. He was warned by his lawyer not to do this so of course he had to fire the lawyer. When asked by reporters if this was true, his comeback was that his former attorney couldn't make any statements against him because of lawyer-client privilege...not that he was innocent, but that you can't prove it because of a technicality. He kept saying the lawyer never warned him that this was illegal! It is now claimed that documents have been found proving that Blunt was warned that he was in violation of the law and destroyed the docs anyway.
Now it seems that all of Matt Blunt's "great accomplishments" might come back to haunt him. He is considered the most endangered governor seeking re-election in the US!!!! We have a great Dem candidate opposing him, our former Attorney General, Jay Nixon. Hopefully, we will be celebrating his inauguration in 2009!
There is hope!!!
Kathy from MO
The Economic Consequences of Mr. Bush
Sunday, November 11, 2007
From Ohio Joe:
We have to take this country back….the world is progressing while the US is going nowhere.
I have AWESOME FAITH IN YOU…….Bloomberg must run for office.
Bill and I could run the OHIO campaign or even work on the national…….we have the skills, as long…….as we can exit over east after the election.
You must of a link to him……I know you do……a third party…….the Dems and GOP are both SAD.
Wimping out on the Mukasey vote
All Republicans present for the vote voted to surprise.
Here are the Democrats who voted YEA for Mukasey:
Bayh (D-IN)
Carper (D-DE)
Feinstein (D-CA)
Landrieu (D-LA)
Nelson (D-NE)
Schumer (D-NY)
And here are the wimps who chose not to vote:
Alexander (R-TN)
Biden (D-DE)
Clinton (D-NY)
Cornyn (R-TX)
Dodd (D-CT)
McCain (R-AZ)
Obama (D-IL)
Friday, November 9, 2007
From Andy about event!
Yes, Edward Albee, Tony Kushner, and David Auburn are astonishing Pulitzer-Prize-winning playwrights. And Paul Muldoon, with a Pulitzer of his own, is "the most significant English-language poet born since the second World War."
And that's very nice but when did it ever make you any MONEY?
And, yes, Arthur Frommer is coming (if he can tear himself away from drafting AMERICA ON 5 EUROS A DAY, which I imagine, thanks to Republican stewardship, is the next book in his series).
And THAT'S very nice, because frugal travel is certainly one way to come out ahead.
But what about actually MAKING money? Or, these days, preserving capital?
When it comes to that, NO ONE understands the Big Picture at any given time -- or explains it more engagingly -- than George J.W. Goodman, aka Jerry Goodman, aka "Adam Smith." (And, yes, he has FOUR Emmy's for his long-running work on Public Television.)
Jerry is sufficiently concerned with the direction of our country that, like you (we hope) and Nora Ephron, Liz Smith, Marie Brenner, Oliver Sacks, and so many others, he's coming to COME WRITE HISTORY -- AGAIN (as in, "let's repeat in 2008 our success of 2006.")
I think a consensus is forming: we really need to keep the DNC's nearly 200 local organizers doing the work -- now -- to give us the best possible odds of widening our lead in Congress and winning back the White House a year from now.
Even if you can't come, please go to and chip in.
And if you can come, look forward to clustering around Jerry at cocktails to hear his perspective. In my experience following his work for near 40 years, his instincts have always been second to none.
Thursday, November 8, 2007
Fundraising for Kay Barnes
We were cohosts at a fundraiser last night for Kay Barnes. She is challenging the US Congressional seat of one of Bush's biggest rubberstamps here in MO, Sam Graves. It was a great night! Kay gave a wonderful speech and visited with all of the guests. She is bright, articulate, friendly, and determined. She has a great record as Mayor of KC and has strong rural ties in the district. I think she has a very good chance of beating Graves. She has been rated by Congressional Quarterly as one of the top challengers to an incumbent in the country and is seen as the first real challenge Graves has ever had. He should be very worried!
We had approx. 100 people at our event at the Byron Cohen Gallery. Our preliminary total is $4700. We know there are more donations that have not been counted, but that was a great evening for Kay considering we were competing with three events in KC this week for her. The biggest will be with Nancy Pelosi tomorrow. In fact, one of our big donors of $1300 pulled their donation from us to give it at the Pelosi event. Oh well, we may not be the big guns, but I am pleased with how we did. It was a lovely evening in a beautiful setting with nice people, good food and drink, and a great candidate to back. We all have our fingers crossed that she will be the one to send Sam Graves packing next fall. He is so arrogant, he has had Cheney campaigning with him around the district! That's pretty bold to be seen with Mr. 11%!!!!! We hope that all of Missouri keeps those two connected in their minds when they go in to vote next year!
From Obama Campaign
Singer John Legend will perform at the J.J. Dinner/ Daschle kicks off 90 canvasses in Iowa last weekend
The campaign announced that five-time Grammy award winning singer-songwriter John Legend will headline a rally in Des Moines before the annual Jefferson-Jackson (J.J.) dinner on November 10th. Barack and Michelle Obama will greet his supporters following Legend's performance. The J.J. dinner is considered the marquee event of the Iowa Democrat political season and marks the beginning of the stretch-run to the caucuses. The winner of a "Battle of Bands" competition held at Iowa State University will serve as an opening act for John Legend.
Barack and John Legend in Des Moines
On Saturday, former Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle from South Dakota, former Oklahoma U.S. Congressman Brad Carson, and former Governor of Mississippi Ray Mabus traveled across Iowa to discuss why they believe that Senator Obama is the best candidate to move our country past the red state-blue state divide. The three Democrats began in Des Moines where they addressed a group of volunteers who were participating in one of more than 90 canvasses the campaign organized for a statewide day of action.
Obama Calls for Fulfilling Civil Rights Legacy
Barack Obama swung through the Palmetto State on Friday and Saturday this week addressing crowds in Manning, Sumter, Greenville, and Spartanburg. In Spartanburg on Saturday morning, he spoke of the choice facing the country in the next election and his reasons for running.
"I am running because of what Dr. King called 'the fierce urgency of now," he told the crowd. His promise of bringing hope to our future inspired the crowd. "I've always been registered as a Republican, and I'm also a Christian. And I always thought to stick with my values meant I had to stay Republican," Spartanburg resident Sarah Fisher said. "We need someone who doesn't care what people think and will do what's best for the country and not just saying what people want to hear. I'm going to vote for him."
From Obama Campaign
The first Democratic caucuses and primaries are less than two months away, and our campaign is in full swing.
Obama for America staff and grassroots volunteers are organizing all across the country, focusing on a range of different issues. From healthcare to the war in Iraq to ending the culture of corruption in Washington, DC, this movement is about returning the power of government to real people like you.
Let us know what issues concern you the most. Help us communicate with you and connect you to organizers in your community:
Together we can change this country, and that change starts on the local level -- with people coming together face-to-face and talking about what matters in their lives.
Take a few minutes to strengthen your connection to our campaign and help us connect you with organizers in your local community by completing a short survey:
Thank you for your support.
Obama for America
Pat & Rudy
So now the “overriding issue” for the American people, according to Pat Robertson, is defending us against the Islamic Fundamentalists. I suppose abortion and gay marriage are back! Well I’ve got news for Mr. Robertson: Rudy Giuliani ain’t the guy! While he was Mayor of New York Rudy did absolutely nothing to defend us from foreign or domestic attacks. In fact, he forced the placement of his emergency headquarters at World Trade, over the fierce opposition of wiser City leaders. On 9/11 and in the awful days that followed, Mr. Giuliani attended many funerals and wept with the families of those who died, but he also was the Mayor when inferior communications equipment was the order of the day for New York City Fire and Police personnel. First responders were not able to communicate and when into buildings that were falling because they did not get the warnings being broadcast on their cheap communication units.
Rudy Giuliani as the next President? The only scarier politician in my lifetime was Joseph McCarthy of Wisconsin.
Henry A. Lowenstein
Cigarettes versus children
Don’t blame the tobacco companies! We have a President who vetoed the most important child healthcare legislation in fifty years, and a Congress that is so cowardly it caved in and failed to override Mr. Bush’s idiotic veto. The President did not want to offend the tobacco industry by signing a bill that would have raised the tax on a pack of cigarettes to pay for S-Chip.
Of course tobacco companies spent ridiculous amounts of money to defeat the Oregon legislation. Now they don’t have to raise the price for their deadly product, and they can exploit children who already have become the single largest group of new smokers in the country!
Henry A. Lowenstein
What Lies Beneath
We all know many of the disasters that have occurred here at home and around the world during the seven plus years of the Bush administration. The list is too long and frankly, too boring to enunciate. But what will the next President inherit when he or she takes office on January 20, 2009? Here are a few of the probable answers. We will still be mired in Iraq with over 125,000 troops engaged there. Afghanistan will be overrun by the Taliban and the U.S. will need to send an additional 100,000 troops there. The levies in New Orleans will not be repaired nor will the residents of the Gulf Coast be any closer to having their lives restored. Oil will cost over $100.00 a barrel and gasoline will retail for between $4.00 and $5.00 a gallon. Our national debt, with the costs of Iraq and Afghanistan included, will be over three trillion dollars. The Polar Ice Cap and the Greenland Ice Shelf will have melted by another two to three percent.
But like every failed leader, George W. Bush will leave behind dark and dirty secrets, things too disgusting or horrible to mention. We may learn that Bush cut a deal with China to allow them to send us toxic products and not to boycott the summer games in Beijing, and in return the Chinese agreed to keep loaning us billions to finance Bush’s blood lust for war and nation building. We could find out that Bush vetoed S-Chip because the tobacco companies put billions into the President’s blind trust. Perhaps we will discover that Dick Cheney was the J. Edgar Hoover of the Bush administration, and had a classified “dirty secrets” file on key Congressional members which he used to persuade them not to challenge the President on war, energy and immigration issues.
Whatever we learn it is all but certain that when the story of the Bush presidency is written, it will be one of the darkest chapters in our history. It will take an almost super-human effort to clean up the Bush mess and restore America’s dignity and leadership around the world.
Henry A. Lowenstein
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
Impeachment is NOT an OPTION - It's a Duty
I am writing today as a constituent to you as my representatives to urge you to support HR 333 - articles of impeachment.
I have copied the duties related to Congress and the military; and the section on Executive powers and the presidential oath.
President Bush and his cabinet, including former AG Gonzales, Karl Rove, VP Cheney have clearly crossed the line in so many areas. It is the DUTY of the COngress - not to judge whether or not an impeachment trial with 'interfere or take away' from the election next year. It is not the concern of Congress to judge whether or not 'we won't get anything else done.'
Laws have been broken. The constitution has been usurped. It is no longer your 'choice', I submit, but it is your DUTY to do your follow your constitutional oath and pass HR 333 - articles of Impeachment.
Powers of Congress:
To declare War, grant Letters of Marque and Reprisal, and make Rules concerning Captures on Land and Water;
To raise and support Armies, but no Appropriation of Money to that Use shall be for a longer Term than two Years;
To provide and maintain a Navy;
To provide for calling forth the Militia to execute the Laws of the Union, suppress Insurrections and repel Invasions;
To provide for organizing, arming, and disciplining the Militia, and for governing such Part of them as may be employed in the Service of the United States, reserving to the States respectively, the Appointment of the Officers, and the Authority of training the Militia according to the discipline prescribed by Congress;
The privilege of the Writ of Habeas Corpus shall not be suspended, unless when in Cases of Rebellion or Invasion the public Safety may require it.
No Bill of Attainder or ex post facto Law shall be passed. (this means you can't lock people up for NO reason!)
This is the oath the president must take. It is clear he has shredded the constitution- from suspending habeas corpus to warrantless wiretaps, to holding Americans without access to a lawyer.
"I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my Ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States."
Section 2 - Civilian Power over Military, Cabinet, Pardon Power, Appointments
The President shall be Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy of the United States, and of the Militia of the several States, when called into the actual Service of the United States; he may require the Opinion, in writing, of the principal Officer in each of the executive Departments, upon any subject relating to the Duties of their respective Offices, and he shall have Power to Grant Reprieves and Pardons for Offenses against the United States, except in Cases of Impeachment.
He shall have Power, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate, to make Treaties, provided two thirds of the Senators present concur; and he shall nominate, and by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate, shall appoint Ambassadors, other public Ministers and Consuls, Judges of the supreme Court, and all other Officers of the United States, whose Appointments are not herein otherwise provided for, and which shall be established by Law: but the Congress may by Law vest the Appointment of such inferior Officers, as they think proper, in the President alone, in the Courts of Law, or in the Heads of Departments.
The President shall have Power to fill up all Vacancies that may happen during the Recess of the Senate, by granting Commissions which shall expire at the End of their next Session.
Vicki Walker
"Democracy cannot survive without a free and independent press and without an involved and educated population." V Walker
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
Obama Coming To Bronxville!
I wanted you to be among the first to know about a very special opportunity: seeing Senator Barack Obama "up close and personal" right here in Bronxville! If you're interested, please let me know and I'll provide detailed information. (Feel free to forward this to
friends who may also be interested...)
Thanks ~ Carol Brandenburg (914 395 0385)
*Host Committee in Formation
We cordially invite you to a cocktail reception with
Senator Barack Obama
Benefiting Obama for America
Monday, November 19, 2007
The home of Karen & Roland Morris Jr
21 Ridge Road
Bronxville, NY
Friend: $2,300 per individual
Supporter: $1,000 per individual
RSVP Required.
Please RSVP to Hildy Kuryk at (212) 645-7834 or by email to HYPERLINK ""
Obama for America does not accept contributions from currently registered federal lobbyists, registered foreign agents,
political action committees, or minors under the age of 16.
Contributions or gifts to Obama for America are not tax deductible.
Federal law prohibits the acceptance of corporate contributions.
Paid for by Obama for America
Kay Barnes #1 Democratic Challenger
It looks like we might have a winner in MO this year! Kay Barnes was ranked the #1 Democratic Challenger by Congressional Quarterly, most likely to unseat an incumbent Republican in the next election! We still have a lot of hard work and fundraising to do to beat Sam Graves, but they are saying she poses a very serious threat! Here in MO we can't wait to see him go. He is one of Bush's biggest and most loyal rubberstamps. (He was one of the few who voted consistently against the SCHIP Children's Insurance.) Where most Repub incumbents are running away from photo-ops with Cheney and Bush, Graves keeps having them here in MO to raise money for him! We are hoping that cozy relationship will cost him dearly in the election.
We are helping to host a fundraiser for Kay Barnes tomorrow here in KC. If you are in the area, please come and join us. If you aren't in KC, you know that your donation will be greatly appreciated and go to an excellent cause!
You will see a copy of the invitation at the end of this post.
Kathy from MO
Dear Friend,
Thank you to the many that have contributed to our campaign for change! Because of your help we are making headlines, please see the news story below on our race! I cannot tell you how amazed I am at all we have achieved in less than 6 months!
I am honored to have you standing with me in this race, and I know with your continued help, we will win next November.
Best wishes,
Congressional Quarterly released its rankings of the best-funded House challengers. Kay was ranked 6th overall, but she was the top ranked Democratic challenger in the country. Their analysis of the 6th District Race is below:
CQ Politics’ Top 10: Best-Funded House Challengers
Barnes Ranks 6th Overall, but Is No. 1 Democratic ChallengerCongressional Quarterly
By Greg Giroux
Friday, November 02, 2007The “incumbents’ advantage” in fundraising is a source of common complaints from those who believe the escalating amount of money needed to run a serious congressional campaign inhibits competition. In the vast majority of House contests in each election cycle, the incumbents use their established campaign organizations to outraise their opponents, often by overwhelming margins.
But not always. A CQ Politics survey of campaign finance reports for activity through Sept. 30, filed with the Federal Election Commission in mid-October by House candidates for 2008 races, found a number of challengers who entered the final quarter of 2007 with sizable campaign treasuries — including a few who even raised more money than the incumbents for the year so far.
The following, the latest in a series of CQ Politics “Top 10” lists, shows the leading fundraisers among House challengers through the first three-quarters of this year, with the candidate’s name, party, district and total receipts in round numbers, along with the challenged incumbent’s name and party in parentheses. An analysis of each of the races follows the list; for some candidates, cash-on-hand figures exceed funds raised this year because of leftover money carried over from last year by their campaign committees.
6) Missouri’s 6th District (St. Joseph, part of Kansas City)
Challenger: Kay Barnes, Democrat ($656,000 raised, $578,000 cash on hand)
Incumbent: Sam Graves , Republican ($948,000 raised, $756,000 cash on hand)
Barnes this year finished an eight-year run as mayor of Kansas City, part of which is included in a district that also takes in suburbs of that city — and substantial rural territory in northwest Missouri that is Graves’ political base. Barnes surely will be the toughest Democratic challenger faced to date by Graves, who won narrowly in 2000 to succeed retiring Democratic Rep. Pat Danner but has easily beaten subpar Democratic opposition in subsequent elections.
Paid for by Kay for CongressPO Box 14194, Parkville, MO 64152
Email: | Phone: 816-877-0804 | Fax: 816-221-1828
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Kay for Congress | PO Box 14194 | Parkville | MO | 64152
Kristin Amend Kathy & Ron Butler Steve Chick
Eileen & Byron Cohen Suellen Dice Jody & Tom Edgerton
Emilie & Bob Jester Jackie & David Russell Helen & Frank Wewers
Toma & Andy Wolff Pam & Mark WoodardCordially invite you to a fundraiser benefitingKay BarnesCandidate for Missouri's 6th Congressional District
Wednesday, November 7th, 20075:00 p.m. - 7:30 p.m.
Byron C. Cohen Gallery
2020 Baltimore
Kansas City, MO 64108
Guest~$ 50For more information on this event or to RSVP please contact Amanda Widom at816-587-5400 or by email at Amanda@Kay4Congress.comChecks can be made payable to Kay for Congress