Wednesday, October 24, 2007

From Justy

Here is one:
Pete Stark and Bill Shakespeare
Congressman Pete Stark should never have had to apologize to anyone for what he said about George Bush having soldiers killed for his "amusement." He was following in a long tradition of people who eventually understood what happens when power becomes perverse. Shakespeare put the following epigram into King Lear:

As flies to wanton boys
Are we to the gods;
They kill us for their sport.

Thanks to information about President Bush's childhood we see a through line from his joy at blowing up frogs when he was 10 to branding pledges when he was 21 to smirking at executions when he was 50 to outsourcing terror when he was 56.

If Shakespeare were alive today he'd just transpose the speakers to soldiers in Baghdad:

As frogs to wanton George
Are we to his God;
He kills us for his sport.

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