Tuesday, October 23, 2007

From Hank:

From Hank:

As my old Grandmother (and Sunny Goldberg) said, this is a “shonda”

Sent: Tuesday, October 23, 2007 12:34 PM
To: 'letters@nytimes.com'
Subject: To The Editor
“The Long, Dark Night” – Op/Ed – October 23, 2007

Bob Herbert’s piece is heart-breaking, but very real. As someone who was a CEO in both the for-profit and not-profit sectors for almost twenty years, I have seen the demise of our healthcare system even as the costs of that system skyrocketed. I also lost my mother and brother at age 49 to lung cancer, and my father to the same terrible disease a few years ago. Each of them had wonderful (expensive) healthcare insurance and it eased the pain, physically and emotionally for each of them.

No person living in America today should have to face the plight of the Brodrick’s. It is a tragedy that almost fifty million American’s are without healthcare insurance. Not invading Iraq over four years ago would have saved enough money to pay for every American’s quality healthcare. Shame on us all.

1 comment:

David Tussey said...

Interesting post. Thanks.