Friday, December 21, 2007

From Hank:

Wishing all of you the very best for the New Year! Hank

Sent: Friday, December 21, 2007 10:18 AM
To: ''
Subject: To The Editor

“Peace on Earth, Good Will to Men (and Women)”

As we approach Christmas 2007 there has not been a time in recent memory when those words have meant more. America and the world are in desperate need of peace and good will. This has been a very difficult, contentious year here at home and abroad. The world, despite empty assurances from Mr. Bush, is a far more dangerous place than it was prior to 9/11. While America has not been attacked here at home, it is generally recognized that Al Qaeda or another Islamic Fundamentalist group will strike us here, and that it is only a matter of where and when, not if. The Middle East is set to explode or implode, whichever view one holds, with Iran playing the central role around its nuclear weapons intentions.

It is my fervent hope that the next President, whoever he or she may be, will lead America out of the confrontational, bullying attitude of the Bush administration, into a kinder, gentler era of diplomacy, respect and dignified compassion for all nations and all peoples. Here at home the Gulf Coast still needs to be rebuilt, we must insure the almost fifty million Americans without adequate or any healthcare coverage. We must also solve the issues of immigration, energy, poverty and the environment, and we must do so with compassion and respect for all our people, not just the wealthiest among us.

Our next leader must insure that pandemics like AIDS and Malaria are stopped, and that the genocide in Darfur end and never again be repeated anywhere else earth. America must remain militarily strong, but we should also “speak softly” while carrying a big stick. Our next President should surround him or herself with like-minded people from all political factions, and we need to end lobbying and influence peddling in Congress to insure a bi-partisan approach to legislation.

Certain words hold special meaning, especially at this time of year. “America, the beautiful, God shed his grace on thee, and crown thy good from brotherhood, from sea to shining sea.” And the same to all the peoples of the world, “Peace on Earth, Good Will to Mankind”

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