Thursday, December 20, 2007

From Hank in NYC:

“Another Sad Christmas”

This Christmas season American men and women will die or be physically or emotionally wounded in Iraq in order to assuage the ego of George W. Bush. Families and friends of our soldiers will spend this holiday season praying that their sons, daughters, husbands and wives will be spared. There is no longer any reason for a single American soldier to be serving in Iraq. The President has failed miserably to bring about a political solution that would signal the end of our military involvement, and the do-nothing Democrats in Congress have not fulfilled their promise to bring the war to an end. Just yesterday the House of Representatives gave Bush another seventy billion dollars to continue his blood lust in Iraq.

The saddest piece to this awful never-ending war in Iraq is that it has all but disappeared from media coverage, and the American people just don’t care anymore. We still have over one hundred and sixty thousand soldiers in harm’s way, and even the candidates for president, Republicans and Democrats, have dropped the Iraq war like it was a hot potato. So, as a Christmas message to the President and the Congress, I include this brief passage:

‘Twas the night before Christmas and all through the House (and Senate),

Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse.

The President and Vice all snug in their beds,

While visions of oil fields danced in their heads,

When suddenly out of the blue came a sound,

As I leapt out of bed, and felt my heart pound,

A bomb had exploded in an Army compound.

There are more dead American’s I’m sorry to say,

Who won’t be around for this Christmas Day.

So Mr. Bush, Mr. Cheney, Ms. Pelosi and Mr. Reid,

Enjoy your Christmas, but this message please heed,

The blood of these soldiers is on your hands indeed,

We will never forgive you your avarice and greed.

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