Friday, February 1, 2008

MoveOn Endorses Obama

by Kathy from MO

Today took the unprecedented step of endorsing a candidate before the nomination. I see this as huge. There are over 3 million members of this organization that encouraged MoveOn to endorse Barack Obama 70% to 29% over Hillary Clinton. This is over 3 million grassroots activists who are spread across the US. They have the will, the money, and the voice to make things happen. They will be part of a huge GOTV campaign for Obama over the next four days. There will also be ads coming from them. This is a big endorsement that should produce votes! This is more than a union's leadership telling its members how to vote. This is millions activists speaking out in unison that they want a progressive candidate as the nominee. More than half of them are in Super Tuesday states and the rest are poised to hit the phones and the streets to Get Out the Vote! This could be a tremendous boost for Obama across the country both in workers and in votes!
On other positive Obama notes, he picked up the California SEIU union vote that had previously been given to John Edwards. He also had the largest fundraising month in his entire campaign in the month of January raising over $32 million. This was more than his three previous high months combined. He picked up thousands of new donors. I also just read that he has just been endorsed by the LA Times.
There is definitely a wave of support coming his way from across the country. Hopefully, it will carry him through to the nomination on Super Tuesday.

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