Tuesday, February 5, 2008

From Lorriane in CA:


I must say I was divided until the very moment I stepped into the voting booth. Both obama and hillary are so similar in their positions on all the issues and both are solid candidates. Hillary is easily accused of being ruthless, a bitch, striking deals with her husband so that she can run for pres. I saw that as simply a woman maneuvering herself in the brutal world of dirty politics and succeeding well to reach the height she has. Most other folks in the white house have done far worse and far more evil.

She did vote for the war, and she did back ‘no child left behind’ knowing that it was terribly flawed. But she has seen the dire fuck ups (excuse my language) of this past presidency and is ready to clean it up.

Because we are in such a bad state, things are so low and messed up, Obama appears to be this ‘savior’ of sorts. I feel like the population is infatuated with his charm, influence, swooned by his speeches. Illusions of JFK arise in our glassy eyes. But I sincerely wondered if he is truely capable of bringing back the U.S. from such a dark dismal state. And this is clean up on a global level.

After my back and forth indecisiveness, something so simple occurred to me. Something that I really haven’t heard discussed much – and that was time. I sat down and did my own math. I counted. I counted all the years of the Bush – Clinton years. Big Bush=4, Clinton + 8, Little Bush + 8 = 20 years. That’s 20 years of power between the Bush’s and the Clintons. If Hillary wins, we are now up to 24 –28 years of power between two very influencial families – Bush/Clinton. A Dynasty perpetuating the same power, the same cronyism, the same mess.

I voted for Obama.

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