Tuesday, February 26, 2008

From Hank in NY:

Sent: Tuesday, February 26, 2008 7:45 AM
To: 'oped@washpost.com'
Subject: To The Editor

“Lest We Forget”

With all the euphoria and excitement being generated by the 2008 presidential campaigns, it is far too easy to forget that the White House is, and will be occupied by a very dangerous man for the next eleven months. Mr. Bush is already up to his ears in attempting to tie the next President’s hands by making deals with the inept Iraqi government that bypass Congressional oversight and keep American troops in Iraq, and in harms way for decades to come. Bush is at odds with the nation’s Governor’s who want to initiate public work projects in their states to stimulate the economy. The President has shown his contempt for any domestic or international programs that would make cuts in carbon emissions mandatory, which spells disaster for generations of American’s yet unborn. Mr. Bush has continuously vetoed the Child Healthcare Bill passed by both Houses of Congress, and there has not been enough gumption in that body to put the President in his place and override his contemptuous action.

While it is encouraging to see young people turning out in record numbers to support their candidates in the primaries, these new voters, their parents and grand parents, need to take up the clarion call to their elected officials and demand that Bush be stopped from doing any more harm. The next President will face a monumental task cleaning up eight years of George W. Bush’s mess. He or she will also face the issue of restoring America to the high moral ground we need to unite the rest of the world and bring an end to starvation, genocide, pandemics like AIDS and malaria, and reversing the potentially horrifying effects of Global Warming. Mr. Bush has alienated our friends and emboldened our enemies. It is high time we all banded together to make him irrelevant.

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