Thursday, February 7, 2008

From John Shields KCMO:

Until we face and correct the issues of race and gender this country isn’t going anywhere. America is in trouble; our government is simply not acting in the best interest of “The American People”.

Hilary probably is better suited and connected to keep the same old cycle of nothingness but what Baraak has is the ability to inspire the American people to get up and get busy working toward the change we need.

Until you and me get in the same boat and begin rowing all in the same direction we are going to remain dead in the water. There is only one way forward at this time and that is together, not as liberals or conservatives but as Americans.

This is not for Barack it’s for U.S., believe, work and it shall be! If you hold on to your fears expect more of the same.

I took my granddaughter to the pools with me Tuesday and when done (having a short memory), she asked a simple question. Who’d you vote for grandpa, I told her I voted FOR AMERICA. And in voting for Barack that’s exactly what I was doing. Everyone stay positive and strong and trust in the will of our Lord and Savior.

John Shields KCMO

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