Wednesday, June 18, 2008

From kathy in MO:

I just ran across this comprehensive site that gives each state, when their voter registration ends, where their polling places are, what kinds of ID will be required, and how to verify that your name is truly on the voter rolls. I thought we might want to send it around especially with so many new registrations, people need to know what the rules are for their state and that they are really registered.

With the new Voter ID rules in places like Indiana, progressives fear that some states that do not even have those rules will have poll workers asking for things like birth certificates any way. People really need to know what the rules are for their state so they cannot be misled on election day. Missouri voted down a law similar to the one upheld by the Supreme Court in Indiana that would require you to show your birth certificate when you vote. That doesn't mean that some MO precincts won't try to ask people to show it even though not legally required!

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