Sunday, January 13, 2008

From Stephanie in Westchester:


If you have a line into someone on the Obama campaign, why don't you ask them why they don't do unto Hillary what she is doing unto him?

She is now slamming away at him for saying but not doing, so why don't Obama's oppositional researchers give the lie to her claims that she has worked for and brought about change for minorities, women and the poor? Has she done anything besides sink universal health insurance for eight years and co-sponsor bills in the Senate?

Why doesn't Obama hold her feet to the fire and demand specifics of her accomplishments, besides working for the Rose Law Firm, launching travelgate and mysteriously losing and finding papers about White Watergate?

I know you want me to register on your blog, but I can barely manage my own. Tech, shcmeck!!! But I do wish you could get the Obama campaign to respond to her demands for specificity from him with their demands from specificity from her!!!!

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