Wednesday, March 5, 2008

From Hank:

From Hank:
Hillary is a mean-spirited, self-centered, two-faced phony, who made a deal with her sex-crazed husband to stay with him if he backed her for President. If elected, which is highly doubtful, she will surround herself with “yes” people ala George W. Bush, and will come down like a ton of bricks on anyone who disagrees with her. She will be a disaster on foreign policy as she will not be accepted by the Muslim world, and she will be shrill and unyielding with our allies, who by the way already mistrust her. She WILL NOT BEAT JOHN McCAIN! We will have 4 more years of Bush, even though he will not be in office. We will NEVER get out of Iraq while McCain is President.

This is a fucking disaster, and all those who sit back and say, He’s still in the lead”, are idiots!

What I sent you needs to become part of every single speech and ad from the Obama campaign! Get Clair and the other leading Dems (Biden, Richardson, etc.) to use the strongest possible language and lambaste Hillary every chance they get. It is time to punish her!

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