Saturday, May 31, 2008

From Andy Tobias DNC:

McCain's YouTube Problem Just Became a Nightmare"

Have fun -- and then send it to the unlikeliest people you can think of (so we're not just endlessly sending it to ourselves):


Wednesday, May 28, 2008

From Herb in KCMO:

It's all true, and time a source of national recognition says what was true in 2003 still stands as true: it was and continues to be an INVASION (not war) and now it's an army of occupation. The HUFFINGTON POST article should now be forwarded by all of us, to everyone we know and sent AROUND THE WORLD to friends everywhere.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, May 27, 2008 5:05 PM
Subject: Dead Troops Remembered By President Who Had Them Killed

Bob Geiger
May 27, 2008

Dead Troops Remembered By President Who Had Them Killed
Posted May 26, 2008 | 11:19 AM (EST)
Yes, that's a harsh headline for this piece.
But I'll ask you to forgive me because, as a Veteran, there isn't a day on the calendar that causes my hatred -- and I do indeed mean hatred -- of George W. Bush to bubble over the top more than Memorial Day.

"On Memorial Day, we honor the heroes who have laid down their lives in the cause of freedom, resolve that they will forever be remembered by a grateful Nation, and pray that our country may always prove worthy of the sacrifices they have made," reads Bush's official Memorial Day proclamation, issued by the White House on Thursday.

The Chickenhawk-in Chief says a lot of things that make this Vet's blood boil but stuff like saying that he prays "...that our country may always prove worthy of the sacrifices they have made" is almost vomit inducing.

This statement comes from the same man who himself began dishonoring the sacrifices of all Veterans in such huge ways in March of 2003, when he invaded Iraq behind a veil of lies and deceit and started spilling barrels of military and civilian blood to start a war with a country that posed no threat whatsoever to our national security. These stirring words of remembrance come from an administration that began with a stolen election in 2000, which goes entirely against what I was taught way back when I was in the U.S. Navy, which was that part of the "way of life" we were protecting was symbolized by the ability of all of our citizens to have their votes counted.

"These courageous and selfless warriors have stepped forward to protect the Nation they love, fight for America's highest ideals, and show millions that a future of liberty is possible," continues Bush's proclamation. "Americans are grateful to all those who have put on our Nation's uniform and to their families, and we will always remember their service and sacrifice for our freedoms."

The words Bush puts forth are true -- it's him being the one to say them that I find so sickening and personally offensive.

It is positively nauseating to have George W. Bush ever talk to us about "America's highest ideals" when his administration has started a bloody war for no reason, imprisoned those suspected of being "terrorists" without trial or benefit of legal counsel, tortured prisoners in America's name and done everything but grab the original U.S. Constitution from the National Archives and run it through a paper shredder.

I also don't believe for one minute that the majority of the planet now holds our country in such extreme contempt because we're right and they don't understand our "highest ideals." This Veteran will go to his grave believing that the years 2000 through 2008 were a dark time in our history when much of what I believed when I served in uniform was made invalid and debased.

According to the Defense Department, we have now lost 4,082 men and women in Bush's war of choice in Iraq and we should not allow the man who sent them needlessly to their deaths to lead our nation today in mourning their loss. Make no mistake about it, George W. Bush is as responsible for the deaths of those men and women as if he himself had fired the bullet or set the IEDs that ended their lives.

And before the right-wing hate mail starts flowing in my direct I'll admit that, yes, you are probably right that if Bush said nothing today I might notice that as well. But here's the thing with so many of us Vets: Memorial Day is not an abstraction to us. Too many of us knew personally and can remember the faces of a few whose untimely deaths we mark today. Some of us actually even saw them killed in battle.

So, we do indeed take Memorial Day very personally and I for one would rather that Bush say nothing at all than to issue hypocritical pronouncements and give an insincere, flowery speech in honor of our war dead when he is personally responsible for the most recent we mourn today.

Even a garden-variety murderer would be unlikely to make an appearance when the victim's family is observing the anniversary of a loved one's death.

The least Bush can do is stay in the White House today, keep his lying mouth shut and understand deep in his craven soul that the next day the Congress should declare a national holiday is January 20, 2009, the day he leaves office and his days of dishonoring our war dead are forever done.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

From Sunny sent to Women for Obama Today

Dear Obama Supporters:
Hope everyone had a wonderful Memorial Day Weekend and know you were pleased about the new delegates Obama picked up! I'm sure you were also truly moved by Obama's commencement speech at Wesleyan University as was I. His standing in for Teddy Kennedy and embracing that family's legacy of public service was both inspirational and hopeful. To hear the words, "it is time again for a new generation of leadership...and if one man can achieve so much and make such a difference in the lives of so many, then each of us can do our part." Wow, he struck a cord with me and the students in the audience to change the world through service to others, a theme both Obama and Senator Kennedy plan to focus on. Obama made specific suggestions like urging the students ,"to help rebuild New Orleans, volunteer at a local soup kitchen, or help end the situation in Dafur, and to remember that change will come, though not immediately" . So the immediate reinforcement that young people have been so anxious to achieve has to be put aside for the slow and difficult winds of change. The speech was truly a wonderful acknowledgement of the bond between the two men, and the respect Obama has for Ted Kennedy. One student's comment really moved me, "The speech made me feel like we have never been asked to do anything, and the fact that he asked us was appropriately overdue". It made me think of all the positive energy and caring I have come across in Barack Obama's careful and enduring campaign. When the Women for Obama were asked to step up to the plate ,we delivered and so has he! The weekend and the weather were helpful in overcoming the sadness of HWC's unfortunate RFK comment that was the main topic of the day! It was even suggested on the front page of the NY Times Monday, "that Clinton could face an uneasy return to the Senate". She would return to that position as No. 36 of 49 Democrats which is fairly bad as seniority goes, but this is not her only problem. She returns to a "club" where more Democratic members, some quite pointedly preferred Obama, and spurned her. It is a sad look at a situation that has been going from bad to worse. ********(See Stephanie at end of e-mail for whole article)
"Today, Bill has stated there is a cover up," Former President Bill Clinton said that Democrats were more likely to lose in November if Hillary Clinton is not the nominee, and suggested some were trying to "push and pressure and bully" super delegates to make up their minds prematurely."I can't believe it. It is just frantic the way they are trying to push and pressure and bully all these super delegates to come out," Clinton said at a South Dakota campaign stop Sunday, in remarks first reported by "ABC News."Clinton also suggested some were trying to "cover up" Sen. Clinton's chances of winning in key states that Democrats will have to win in the general election.
How very sad for the legacy of the Clintons.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

The Un-Discussed Issue

“The Un-discussed Issue”

With Obama and Clinton debating the merits, or lack thereof, of a “gas tax holiday” this summer, and John McCain debating whether we will be in Iraq for ten or a hundred years, the most important issue of our time has been all but neglected by the candidates and the media. It is also very low on the list of priorities with voters when asked in an exit poll why they voted for a particular candidate.

Global Warming is the single most pressing issue any President will face, and depending on their commitment to saving the planet, will determine how we live for decades to come. If we think the economy is bad now, or that weather around the world has become more severe and unpredictable, we haven’t seen anything yet. When the Polar ice cap and the Greenland ice sheet melt, ocean levels around the world will rise some thirty feet, thereby flooding every major coastal city around the world. These are not “what if” scenarios, but rather when these events will occur. The candidates talk about developing alternative, sustainable sources of energy and reducing our carbon footprint through cap and trade or carbon tax measures, but upon taking office the next President will face enormous and immediate problems like Iraq, Afghanistan, the economy, immigration and healthcare reform. There will be little time and even less money to deal with Global Warming.

Even if we started today and reduced carbon emissions by 50%, it might well be too late to reverse the tide of warming the earth is experiencing. Waiting until next January, and probably several more years before meaningful environmental action is taken, will spell absolute disaster for all Americans and the global community as well. Perhaps when the Democrats decide to nominate a candidate, and the campaign focuses on the real issues, both parties will make the environment a top tier issue. Our very way of life and the future of planet Earth depends upon it.


Henry A. Lowenstein

Cool & Composed

“Combat and Composure” – David Brooks – May 7, 2008

What few have pointed out in this most amazing political campaign is the similarities between Hillary Clinton, John McCain and George W. Bush. David Brooks highlights the extremely combative nature of Senator Clinton and contrasts it with the cool, even temperament of Barack Obama. What we need to focus on is how similar Clinton is to Bush and McCain, especially with regard to their “my way or the highway” attitudes. Bush, McCain and Clinton have hair-trigger tempers and do not brook any advice that does not agree with their often delusional view of the world. When Clinton tried to take over healthcare policy in the early years of her husband’s administration, she dismissed advice from the best experts in America because they did not agree with her.

Barack Obama is the antithesis of his Democratic and Republican rivals. In a world torn apart by war, disease, devastating climate change and poverty, I want a clear-headed, compassionate and composed leader in the White House.

Henry A. Lowenstein

Hurting Our Troops

“Doing the Troops Wrong” – Bob Herbert – May 7, 2008

It is not all surprising that George Bush opposes the excellent GI bill sponsored by Jim Webb of Virginia, but it is most disappointing and peculiar that John McCain, the so-called champion of our men and women in uniform, has come out against it. Senator McCain has changed his mind on many important issues since becoming the presumptive republican nominee, but not supporting the Webb bill takes center stage. We have seen our soldiers come home to broken homes, or no homes, no jobs, suffering from post-traumatic-stress-disorder and other emotional ailments caused by extended or multiple tours in Iraq and Afghanistan. It is the very least we can do to make sure that every GI who stands up for America be given the best chance at a normal, prosperous and happy life. They went to war to guarantee those rights for all of us, and it is shameful for anyone to deny them their due no matter what the cost.

Henry A. Lowenstein

Monday, May 5, 2008

Kristol's Op/Ed piece in the Times

“McCain-Jindal” – Op/Ed – May 5, 2008

I would like to make three bets with Mr. Kristol: First, that Obama wins more pledged delegates and popular votes than Clinton, second, that Obama is the nominee of the Democratic Party, and last, that Obama beats McCain in November by at least five percentage points. Mr. Kristol can’t seem to let the Reverend Wright issue die, even though Obama has now given two magnificent speeches clearly and completely distancing himself from Wright’s incendiary comments.

When a real issue surfaces, like the so-called “gas tax holiday”, it is very apparent that Obama is on the correct side of the issue while McCain and Clinton are pandering to the public. There is a real reason that Barack Obama has come from nowhere to become the front-runner in the battle for his Party’s nomination. He has the integrity, the courage of his convictions and an innate sense of what America needs after almost eight horrific years of George W. Bush. Clinton and McCain offer the same old Washington big money, influence peddling government that is the trademark of the Bush administration.

Henry A. Lowenstein

Thursday, May 1, 2008

From Beth in NY:

Dear Editor:

In reference to the article on Senator Barack Obama’s press conference on Tuesday and the letters published in today’s New York Times, I would like to point out that Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton has stayed married to an adulterer (who went to Rev. Wright for forgiveness) and a pardoner of tax evaders, who paralyzed the US government with his peccadillo. Obama’s press conference was meant to reassure the American public that Rev. Wright will play no role in his administration. Can Hillary claim the same of her doubt-dealing, philandering husband? I don’t think so.

A good portion of America’s voters just can’t quit Bill. The claim to be voting for “experience” is often referring to Bill’s experience—as Hillary supporters have told me in all these words: “two for one.” America, it’s spring. Time to clean house and move on.

From Hank:

From: "Hank Lowenstein"

“Dumb as We Wanna Be” – Thomas Friedman – April 30, 2008

Now that the Reverend Wright fiasco has been put to rest, and we get back to a substantive discussion of the issues, it is not at all surprising that Hillary Clinton and John McCain come up lacking with regard to their judgment on energy. McCain is oblivious to anything that will occur thirty days after he makes a decision, and Clinton proposes to pay for her “gas holiday” idiocy by levying a windfall profits tax against the oil companies; a ridiculous option that would never be allowed during the Bush administration or by our do-nothing Congress.

Only Barack Obama has the vision and the integrity to speak the truth about energy policy. He would include the likes of Bill Richardson, our former energy secretary, and Al Gore in his administration, and get the best people around the world to contribute to a global conservation plane that would include sharply increased use of nuclear, solar, wind and other non-polluting, sustainable forms of energy.

From Hank:

Sent: Wednesday, April 30, 2008 7:36 AM
To: ''
Subject: To The Editor

“Mr. Obama and Rev. Wright” – Editorial – April 30, 2008

Barack Obama’s statement yesterday put an end to the controversy created by the incendiary words of Jeremiah Wright. The saddest part of this entire sordid mess is that Wright had the power, by shutting up or simply apologizing for his earlier anti-American remarks, to have tipped the scales in favor of Obama over Clinton for the nomination of their party. This little known pastor, by saying nothing, had more power than Martin Luther King, more power than any African American man in recorded history, because his words, or lack thereof, may well have given Obama the presidency.

As you say, the country needs an open discussion of race. Who do we think is better prepared to lead that discussion? McCain, Clinton or Obama?

Henry A. Lowenstein